Would You Let Them Touch Your Junk?
by minimus 69 Replies latest jw friends
If she is hot and I am horny, I will accept it.
Full body scan ot let them touch your junk? What's your preference??
it depends on who will be touching me. If they are ugly, I will do the full body scan, the person doing the scan will not know what you look like, that is what I was told.
I guess I don't have "junk" per se, but I have submitted to a patdown and the sliding of hands all over me. I travel a great deal, and frequently get pulled aside. I guess I look like an old lady terrorist?
Think About It
I have to fly out of the country the end of the month and I am thinking about this issue right now. I had a pretty good pat down in Germany 3 weeks after 9/11. I'm just wondering if this new TSA thing is more aggressive than that.
Think About It
If it means we are safer in the sky - ABSOLUTELY!
Any of you guys ever been to a real tailor? He's going to touch your junk so he can make sure your pants fit.
yes, I have been to the tailors many times in the past, they never went too far.
They don't touch my "junk", my "junk" touches them !!