Would You Let Them Touch Your Junk?

by minimus 69 Replies latest jw friends

  • minimus

    Undercover, I almost always agree with you 100%!

  • undercover
    Its all window dressing guys, seriously.

    I agree with that. Most new security measures are knee jerk reactions to someone getting something past them. That's why we can't carry pen-knives. That's why all your liquids have to be in clear 3oz bottles...inside another clear plastic bag.

    Let them get bomb sniffing dogs for those body cavity bombs the scanners won't see.

    Yea...and then some prude will get their granny panties all in a wad because Rover the bomb dog stuck their snout up in their crotch... It's a bomb alright, Rover... they just a had a chili and bean burritto before getting in line... Look out! She's gonna blow!

    I think the main point is along the lines of what personal rights you lost.

    Your personal rights ended at the door to the airport. You're not on your property....you're not in your car. By purchasing the ticket to fly, you're agreeing to the conditions placed on the airline and airport by the governemnt. You don't want to submit to that authority or have your person touched? Then stay out of the airports and off of airplanes. There. Your personal rights are now safe from those nazi TSA agents.

    Don't get me wrong...I'm in agreement over certain aspects of the government intruding in our personal lives and how we need to be aware of our rights and freedoms and to fight to not let them be taken. But airlline safety is more than about personal rights or freedoms, it's about keeping the mode of transportation safe for all passengers. I don't agree with all the safety measures myself, but I realize that I am going to have to buck up and allow some searches of my personal belongings or person in order to fly the not-so-friendly skies these days. It's a fact of post 9/11 life.


    undercover talks a lot of sense.

    And after waiting around at an airport getting bored, I find a warm hand reassuring me that 'my junk' is still in place, quite comforting.

    They are doing it for my own good but if they knew I was comforted by it, they would arrest me and subject me to more stringent examination!

  • PSacramento

    So, where is the line drawn?

    Since women can hide things inside their vagina, just like a man can hide them inside his arse, are we OK with vaginal probes ?

  • mrsjones5

    I've had four babies, numerous pap smears and pelvic exams and breast exams, worrying about someone touching my "junk" is the least of my worries.

  • teela(2)

    Sorry I just see it (feel it) as the cost of travel. I also think that privacy is becoming an outdated concept.

  • PSacramento

    The fact of the matter is that pat downs do NOT work and they are NOT a detterant.

    Metal scanners are of limited use and full body x-rays are dubious at best.

    Maybe, just MAYBE if governmental security agencies do their job correctly and get the guys before they get on the plan or evnebefore they get to the airport, mayeb that is the way to go.

    Maybe, just maybe NOT motivating people to bomb or highjack planes may be a good idea too.

    I mean, if the point is truly to protect the population of the US from terrorst threats then maybe eliminating terrorist AND terrorist motivations might be a good idea too.


    Wanna ride my Junk?..

    ...................... ...OUTLAW

  • journey-on


  • PSacramento

    How does the old saying go?

    "This is how freedom dies, not with a bang but with a whimper?"

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