What 1st century people BELIEVED: the writer was literally IN SPIRIT; transcending the flesh so as to see and hear, literally, what was occuring in the SPIRIT realm.
Hi Shelby :)
There were/are degrees of inspiration that's for sure, one is, was inspired to write about God and oen was inspired to write BY God and even inspired to write while "in" God ( of more correctly, God's HS in Us/Them).
Paul, like most writers, wrote when under ALL forms and made it clear, sometimes.
In Acts for example we have the account of when Peter was "in the Lord" and was inspired to preach to the Gentiles ( the cloth with all forms of animals vision).
I don't think that one type is more "valid" than another UNLESS one is stating that what they are saying or saw, was from the Lord.
Paul at times stated this and other times stated that it was "his opionion".
From what I had read of the 1st and 2nd century disciples, inspiration in of itself was NOT enough of a criteria to be valid, the inspirational writings MUST SHOW the Spirit of Christ in them for them to have been consided "of Christ".