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by brotherdan 171 Replies latest jw friends

  • sabastious
    sab I think notverylikely can speak for himself

    I agree, which is why I didn't speak for him, just evaluated your accusation.


  • SweetBabyCheezits

    Watch out for NVL. He's full of logic.

    That's a dirty word, right?

  • sabastious
    I did not say HE was ignorant

    Very few people are TRULY ignorant, you'd have to live in a tribe away from civilization.

    I always mentally switch statements like "he is ignorant" to "he is acting in an ignorant way"

    Sorry if I misrepresented your point.


  • notverylikely

    agreed notverlikely and thats what you were doing

    Just did. The ignorance comment had nothing to do with your other assertions, it was isolated to your judging comment. I stand by my comments that taking a position of strongly judging on the way out of a cult that restricts your ability to learn is judging in ignorance. That's not calling you stupid or attacking your character in any way. If I were to start judging the worth of antiques I would be doing so in ignorance. Ignorance simply means not having knowledge of a subject. It is easily remedied.

    Having said that, the burden of proof regarding Paul's words and the frequency of atheists during the early christian era is still on you.

  • tec

    yes tec but part of growing up and growing away from Jehovahs witnesses means that we have to be strong in judging otherwise how is one to discriminate about what one wants and what one doesn't want.

    Sab got it right. We do have to be strong in testing and evaluating what is right and wrong. Especially when people are trying to 'sell' something to us. But I was talking about judging people.

    Which is not to say that you cannot call a spade a spade.

    a) Atheists are godless. This is not a judgment. It is simply a fact. (when you start thinking that you're better than them, though, you can run into trouble for yourself - and then I think that is judging)

    b) Atheists are evil and going to hell (whatever your definition)... this is a judgment, and one that no one is qualified to make except Christ or His Father. Who is to say that they will not show mercy?


  • cyberjesus
  • notverylikely

    Watch out for NVL. He's full of logic.

    And independent thinking! That's the dirty word.

    I always mentally switch statements like "he is ignorant" to "he is acting in an ignorant way"

    Sorry if I misrepresented your point.

    That is exactly the way in which I intended it.

  • bohm

    I feel bad for BD. I think we should be nicer to him, he is acting under duress and i dont hold him accountable for the somewhat judgemental tone.

    hang in there dude!

  • cyberjesus

    I dont like logic, it takes too much thinking.. i just watch cartoons "My book of Bible Studies"

  • PSacramento

    You guys are assuming that "atheist" meant the same then as it does now and it probably didn't.

    As I mentioend before, Christians were accused by Romans of ebing atheists.

    As for true atheists ( no belief in a God or Gods), I think there has always been some and I recall reading about some in Pre-christ Greece, which I could remember where...

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