Blog Update

by brotherdan 171 Replies latest jw friends

  • TD

    When the a priori assumption that the 66 book Bible is a single contiguous work from cover to cover is questioned, (i.e. "...the Watchtower Society's take on the Bible") wouldn't a JW style hop, skip and jump through different centuries, cultures, languages, writers and literary syles be a circular prior assumption of the correctness of that approach?

    Dan, about about 14 years ago there was an exJW named Rex. He eventually adopted a very conservative Christian outlook. He participated here on JWN under the handle, "Shining One."

    His dislike of liberal Christians and contempt for modern Bible scholarship are things that gradualy grew over time.

    Those exchanges are archived if you ever have time. --Not many of us are given the same gift Ebenezer Scrooge was given

  • out4good3

    Frankly, it sounds to me like this guy has jumped out of the frying pan of unquestioning belief in what a dozen 20th century WT goons have wrote and into the fire of unquestioned belief in passed down "word of mouth" stories from a bunch of superstitious nomadic sheepherders.

    Also, I can't put my finger on it, but, what's up with him basically declaring the board heathens that he want no part of and no dialog with, but he feels the need to drop in and invite those same heathens to read the blatherings in his blog?

  • out4good3

    Think About it


    I'm trying to give this guy the benefit of the doubt but........

    That personna of arrogant WT narcissism has penetrated his psyche a bit deeper than I think he even realize.

  • bohm

    Another eye opening experience has been seeing the amount of Jehovah's Witnesses that leave the organization, only to be trapt in atheistic thought

    ...and the only way to avoid getting trapped is by avoiding open discussion with people who are "wrong".

    yah. never heard that one before.

    Good luck with the blog by the way. Do you plan to filter out critical comments?

  • just n from bethel
    just n from bethel

    It's funny to see people leave the JWs - only to keep the same judgemental attitude. For the record I know far more that left the JWs due to 1st questioing the Bible than the actual org.

    What's better in Dan's opinion: to stay a JW and believe in the Bible (exactly the way he does) or to leave the WT org while at the same time leaving the belief that the Bible is the inerrant word of God? What if his wife left the org but said she was not going to believe in that fundamentalist type stuff Dan is so heavily adopting?

    If I'm going to end up a judgemental religious person, I'd rather be a JW over a fundie any day. But to each his own. There are some that leave JWs and become Muslims and Mormons. In the end, people do what they think will make them happy.

    So far, I've yet to have anyone peg me or my beliefs in any type of category. I'm not athiest, theist, deist ... I don't believe in any "ism".

    I am hopeful though - that people in general will stop thinking the way JWs or Dan's version of Christians think - I am hopeful they will someday think like Gandhi: "I am a Muslim, and a Hindu, and a Christian, and a Jew, and so are all of you."

  • undercover

    Meet the new cult-think, same as the old cult-think

  • Darth plaugeis
    Darth plaugeis

    Don't get FOOLED Again........ Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!

  • Nice_Dream

    Excellent song Darth.

  • Ding

    In John 14:6 Jesus is quoted as saying: "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me."

    Very offensive words.

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep
    No, thats not fine.
    Along with false prophets (like Jehovah's Witnesses) the Bible fortells people that would be happy in their godlessness. 2Tim 3 says that men would be lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of god; holding to a form of godliness, although they have denied its power; always learning and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth."

    So, if I don't believe in your new god he's going to boil my sorry arse in hell for eternity. Nice. Your new god is worse than the old one. At least your old one was only going to kill me. Where do I sign up Dan?

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