1914 - What is the importance of this date?

by sabastious 18 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • sabastious

    "We don't live for dates"

    I have heard this a lot in my lifetime when Witnesses get approached with any critical thinking of the 1914 year date.

    This sounds good, at face value, but it's so disconcerting to hear them minimize this date when they will jump all over it as "proof" of their Organization's divinity.

    Without dates such as 1914 Societies like the Watchtower simply would not exist. The Watchtower NEEDED these dates to anticipate and use as selling points.

    Remember, before 1914 there were not very many Witnesses. They needed members or they would have died out, so the Organization NEEDED 1914. They needed provocative material for members to remain interested.

    Maybe your average Witness today doesn't really care whether the date is accurate or not, but the people of those days DID live for those dates and those actions sustained the Watchtower's existence and, in fact, allowed for further growth.


  • Ding

    1914 and 1918-1919 are critical dates for the WTS' claims.

    Ironically, though, if the WTS tomorrow admitted that nothing important really happened in those years, most JWs would STILL believe it's God's organization.

  • Lets Think
    Lets Think

    In 1914 Satan was hurled down to earth having a short period of time.

    So let’s see….. Before 1914 life expectancy was short, medical science was poor. In the 1800’s a large percentage of children died at birth or did not make it to 18. Children as young as six worked in coal mines legally. Child Labour was legal, Children had no rights, women had no rights, no vote no property rights. 95% of black women in the USA worked as servants, early 1800’s as slaves. Food killed you, bad water killed you, lead killed you. There were no government inspections of food or really anything. If your wife made you mad you could beat her legally.

    Try going to a dentist in the 1800’s, try having an operation. Got an infection, looks like you are going to die. No antibiotics. Poor lived in squalor, no electricity, no social safety net. Your crop fails, you die. War’s rage Taiping Rebellion in China kills more then the first world war over 20 million (did you know that) European wars kill millions. The American Civil war kills more Americans than have died in every war since put together. Life was especially bad if you were, Chinese, Black, a women or any race other than white. Yes life changed in 1914, it only broke up the party that rich white men were having.

    So lets see then Satan was hurled down and what did he do:

    Got in there and forced the issue on slavery banning it as best he could worldwide

    Tried his best to make most nations see that all races are equal in the sight of God

    He helped elect a black President

    He brought in women’s rights

    He doubled life expectancy worldwide

    He helped make huge advancements in medicine

    He tried to stamp out child Labour

    The percentage (as to the whole earth population) of those without food is about the lowest in history.

    He made all the worlds’ knowledge available to everyone by means of the internet, not just the rich.

    He is a freak about safety, brought in food safety standards, child car seats, airbags, air travel safety regulations, safe cribs, mine safety standards, work place safety standards and he keeps insisting on more safety. It’s to the point that less children and adults die due to accidents today then anytime since records were kept.

    (If you doubt any of this, please research what it would be like for you in the early 1800’s if you were a black women, pregnant, poor, in need of medical attention,, I could go on and on.)

    Fact is your average person today lives better then Kings and Queens did 150 years ago.

    Does this make sense Satan came to earth and started to rule in 1914 and he did What?

    Doubled you chance of leading a full happy life and living to old age?

    Were things better in the 1600’s, 1700’s and 1800’s without Satan’s influence?

    The whole theory simply does not work.

  • diamondiiz

    607 = false

    therefore 1914 = false date

    therefore 1919 = FDS never chosen

    therefore GB is a false prophet,

    therefore WTS is a big FRAUD

    Yes, dates shouldn't matter but in case of WTS everything is tied to their dates. IMO only way wts can survive another 100 years is if they strip off dates, loose percentage of their flock and hopefully not too many will commit suicide out of despair as loyal ones continue to sucker in a newer generation of dubs at a much slower rate. Without dates the Big A isn't so close anymore and more will slow down in selling wts shit to others and without dates it's very possible the whole pyramid scheme will fall apart where even the loyal ones won't have an organization to support. IMO this is the dilemma that wts has to overcome and they will deal with this as far into the future as possible. Time is not on their side at this point in time.

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    The significance of 1914 is that this is another thing The WATCHTOWER is dead wrong about.

  • cheerios

    @lets think: haha never thought about it that way before ... that's excellent

  • fokyc


    1st Successful blood transfusion in Brussels! very important for the JW's

  • St George of England
    St George of England

    Lets Think - So really Satan was the best thing ever for us! Wonderful.


  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep
    Maybe your average Witness today doesn't really care whether the date is accurate or not,

    Oh, they care alright.

    When it looks shakey they try to minimalise it to their apostate kids and pretend that its not important, but if you corner them on it they try to assassinate your character for having questioned it.

    If your Dub pretends it doesn't matter, challenge them to produce a WT to back that up.

    Meanwhile, find an article that shows that it does matter, and make them read it to you and then explain it.

  • Nathan Natas

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