Or is that "Est. 1874"?
1914 - What is the importance of this date?
by sabastious 18 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
We must all have waffles and think to the best of our abilitys. The 1914 date is the date that gives the WTS all its fake authority. Its when Jesus is suposed to have turned his attention to earth and saw that CTR was the only person and group that was doing gods will according to their narrow teaching of the bible. With out this date they are just another splinter group. SPLINTERS fucking peoples front of judea splinters
1914 is the integer between 1913 and 1915.
That's its significance.
It is an essential date in the endtime era we live in and it is linked to the International Bible Students Association and Jehovah's Witnesses indirectly.
Follow directions there on the website to learn that the 1914 AD is a great sign .
7 BC ... 1879 AD , 2 BC .... 1884 AD , 29 AD-33 AD-36 AD = 1914 AD-1918AD-1921 AD .Note time gaps between the dates.
2 BC - 29 AD = 1884 AD - 1914 AD etc.
Well, Sab, I trust OBVES has answered your question...
WIthout 1914, World War One would have had to start in 1915. It would now be 2011. The madness and chaos.
How about if we lock OBVES and the GB in a room until they come up with one final prediction?
LMFAO @ OBVES!!! You just made my day.
Just when I think someone couldn't sound any more ridiculous, along comes OBVES.
.Note time gaps between the dates.
Note the space and gap between OBVES ears
Nice write-up Lets Think
1914 is just a date used and exploited by some bogus religious charlatans ($) known as the International Bible Students / Watchtower Corporation
1914 was also held to as an important year by Dispensational Adventists such as C T Russell, supported by the nonsensical Pyramidology ideology.