The reason that the WTS has set dates according to the Keep On The Watch District Convention is to help the flock to keep on the watch. In other words the WTS has no real proof of when the end will come, but to keep all the faithful working hard for the WTS the flock needs to know that the end is right around the corner.
Why (time and again) Jehovah's Witnesses set dates
by Terry 11 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
dear Terry...
most of the time I really wonder where you find all these Christians that you speak of. from other posts that you have made they seem to be some of the most depressed, fanatical, bloated wingnuts I've ever heard of. honestly.
I feel sorry for you that you are like a magnet for these people.(not including me...) where exactly do you hang out besides half priced books and biker bars?
also you said: "Being made fun of for believing can drive us deeper into our delusion and make us band together with like-minded persons.
So "persectution" is sort of like a confirmation we are "on the right track" as it were. This overlooks the fact that being made fun of for crazy belief is not that far-fetched when we are wrong in the first place."...
this problem of being made fun of only "exists" on the fringe doesn't it?...and isn't the whole desire to break a persons simple faith a relatively new phenomenon?...was it so long ago that a non-believer would actually go to a "religious" in hopes of finding answers to the hard questions of life that they were unable to deal with or comprehend within their own frame of reference?
I bought a book called "Christians Are Hate-Filled Hypocrites...and Other Lies You've Been Told" because I thought that it might tell me where you've been getting your information you get your information about all these people you talk about from first hand experience or are you raking the opinion poles for the worst possible statistical outcomes to incomplete and "prone to emphasize the negative" questions? seriously.
I haven't said much more than hi, how are you and thank you to the used book store lady that I "visit" frequently...:)
love michelle