About a year ago

by mrsjones5 20 Replies latest jw friends

  • mrsjones5

    I posted this topic:


    My relationship with my parents have stayed strained. My mother said that I should have known that my family and I were invited even though she didn't formally extend an invite. I refused to believe her because I know she did it because of the hatred she has for my husband.

    Had a run-in with her about a month ago about my husband...nothing has changed, she still hates my husband, believes he's faking his illness, and as a result really has nothing to do with my kids (my kids don't ask about my parents). My mother said with a smile on her face (picture the Cheshire Cat) that I was in denial about my husband. I shot back that I thought she was taking perverse pleasure in the current difficulties in my life.

    The last time my mother saw me she said that no one loves me more than her and my father (yeah the one who calls my family and I "you people" with a sneer in his voice). I don't need that kind of love, it's soul draining and mind killing. There's no way in hell I would throw over my husband to get back in my parents good graces. I'm not that crazy.

    My husband has blocked every phone number my parents have so they can't call me. Hubby got tired of how talking to my parents would affect me to the negative (kinda like the bucket thing FHN).

    This year my family and I will spend Thanksgiving with a dear friend. Someone I can truely say loves me, my husband, and my kids.

    I have no idea what my parents are doing.

  • BabaYaga

    Mrs. Jones said: I don't need that kind of love, it's soul draining and mind killing.

    You got that right!!!


    This year my family and I will spend Thanksgiving with a dear friend. Someone I can truely say loves me, my husband, and my kids.

    Bravo! And more power to you where that came from. Sounds perfectly lovely! Happy Thanksgiving, Jonsie. We have much to be thankful for.

    Love to you,

  • serenitynow!

    Well good for you. I hope you have a good holiday. I have not been invited yet to my extended family's "not Thanksgiving" dinner, I'm not sure why. The way I feel is that you should spend time with the people who care about you, be they family or not.

  • tec

    I hope you have a good thanksgiving too. Even though you Americans celebrate way too late :)

    I'm sorry about your mother, too. If she really thought he was so awful, then she should show her love for you by being there to support you if you need it, and then to pick up the pieces if you need those picked up too. Not trying to rub your nose in it. Like you said, taking a perverse pleasure in whatever difficulties you happen to be in.

    From all I've been able to gather on JWN, you and your husband love one another dearly. No small matter in life.


  • nelly136

    This year my family and I will spend Thanksgiving with a dear friend.

    food tastes so much better when you're in good company.

  • OnTheWayOut

    Well, happy Thanksgiving to you and yours. Hope it's complication-free.

  • Heaven

    Mrs Jones, I am sorry your parents have been blinded by the WTS.

    This year my family and I will spend Thanksgiving with a dear friend. Someone I can truely say loves me, my husband, and my kids.

    I am glad you have good people in your life. Sometimes, friends make way better family.

  • wasblind

    Good morning Josie,

    just spotted this thread. My mom is no longer living, life is truly to short. but anyway I hate so much that your mom

    is letting her hate for your husband, plus her religion block her from her own child and grandchildren. I have a brother

    in law who I don't care for much at all. and I'm positive he feels the same way about me, but we tolerate each other

    because of our love for the same person. Trust, my level of toleration isn't very high, so I can only endure a couple of

    hours during family get togethers. If not you it may be one of your children that your mom will have to turn too one of these days

    ((((((( Josie )))))))

    I agree with Nelly and Heaven

  • GrandmaJones

    This is a terrible thing your mom is doing to you and your family. I am sorry to hear of it. You are doing the right thing in removing yourself from this kind of abuse.

  • snowbird

    Proverbs 15:17 Better a bread crust shared in love
    than a slab of prime rib served in hate. MSG

    Proverbs 17:1 A meal of bread and water in contented peace is better than a banquet spiced with quarrels. MSG


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