Misery, I think you might have to have kids to really get into the fun of it. But on the whole, I think people are generally nicer during the Christmas season. They're more conscious of doing something nice for someone else, and more conscious of giving. That 'spirit' is what makes Christmas good, I think. Plus, it gives some people a break from the daily routine.
You're probably right. I do like the fact that people are generally in a happier mood during the holidays. I'm just a grumpy bastard by nature, can't help but view the glass as half empty during holiday season. I just don't get the whole Christmas thing. To me staying home and frying wings, or cooking a steak and watching whoever is playing that day far exceeds hanging out with family and singing silly songs, dressing in sweaters and turtlenecks, buying people gifts that will lose their value in a matter of months. It just all seems like a hey to do over nothing. Not to mention its cold outside, we have to shovel, people slipping and falling, the workload resulting from being off of work for a couple days. Argghh, the thought of it all just has me irritated.
But you're right Tammy, it is nice seeing people happier during the holiday season.