I love Christmas!

by Newborn 125 Replies latest jw friends

  • miseryloveselders

    That photo had to have been edited. I find it hard to imagine Johnny Depp would ever do a shoot like that. I like Depp too, but if that photo is legit, he just lost several points in my book .

    Ya know something Lav, even disecting that picture, I hate the Santa costume, I hate teddy bears, I hate fireplaces, I hate trees with lights on them, I hate red socks hanging from fixtures, I hate boxes of random crap laying around the floor. There's just so much that's wrong with that picture.

  • laverite


    The picture of Johnny Depp is a fan photo. It's NOT real. So you can relax.

    Ok, so you are beyond hope when it comes to Christmas. That's ok. It's not for everyone. You may not have the holiday spirit, but don't miss out on the holiday spirits! You gotta have SOME fun!!!!

  • ziddina


    Yay, Newborn!!!!

    Do you feel like posting pix of your Xmas lights and tree and stuff???

    Do you mind if I post pix of mine - from this year - after I've taken them and gotten them developed???


    Zid - who's already got her outside Xmas lights up, naner naner boo boo!!!

  • Violia

    This is called the christmas song. It is wonderful. take a listen.

  • laverite

    Great song, Viola! I've listened to it four times already. Awesome!

  • Violia

    Tim Minchin is an awesome Aussie. I love his work. Take a listen to some of his other music. He's witty and talented.

  • VampireDCLXV

    Grump #3 chiming in! I don't mind the whole sentiment around friends and families gathering together, making a cheery experience out of an othewise miserable time of year BUT all the commercialism and hoopla are way out of control. I just can't get behind it.

    Shouts out to my grinchy brothas Sab and Misery. Fist bumps all around! Good courage to all the haters...


  • laverite

    LOL Vamp. You, Sab, and MLE are all good guys. So you are in good company.

  • Ilovebirthdays

    I'm done with my Christmas shopping. Except for my husband. He's impossible to buy for.

    I LOVE Christmas. One of our local radio stations started 24/7 Christmas music today, and I have it streaming on my computer. My 2 kids are happily dancing around to it.

  • Newborn

    Dear all,

    Thanks for your posts. I'm glad that most of you loves Christmas as well. But hey, it's up to each and everyone. I know it's personal how you feel abt it.

    Laverite, I wouldn't mind you hitchhiking my thread with egg nog and thanks for the Johnny Depp pic

    Butterfly, You got me so curious abt what you've got for your family??? You say you went all out??!!

    Ziddina, I'd love to see your pics but I don't think I will post any. I live alone for the moment in an apartment and I don't put up so much ligth and I don't have a tree. Since we're at my brothers place for Christmas.

    Love and out


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