In Your Opinion Who Is The WORST President In USA History?
by minimus 79 Replies latest jw friends
Reagan----Obama is in a class of his own!
Every one of them. May they all rot.
George W Bush
Obama, he is ruining this country, and FDR runs a very close second, he wanted to do away with our rigfhts too. One poster posted that Obama is in a class by himself, well thats right he is, he is the worst this country has ever had.
Warren Harding rewarded friends and powerful people who contributed to his election and turned his back on the job of being president so he could play golf, poker, and spend time with his mistress. Scandals and corruption came up within his administration as high in the cabinet. He was basically a presidential version of Joseph Rutherford, even having bathtub gin in the White House during prohibition (which started before he took office).
Well let's see Andrew Johnson was Impeached and survived by one vote, Richard Nixon barely escaped Impeachment as did Bill Clinton.
As Warren Buffett has said, what this President and Administration did was the right thing in a catastrophic financial meltdown brought on by the whores on Wall Street. One War winding down and another to go, not bad for a Rookie. 10 Million jobs added, but still slow we need 150,000 per month to tread water.
The next two years will be interesting as the Recession ends, who will take credit, Congress, the Administration. My R. Congressman admitted the difficulty for his Party. If they keep being the Party of No then they can't take credit for the recovery. If they support job programs they loose their high ground of reducing Federal spending (although that is just a bogus argument, they love a big Federal job in their District as much as the next Congressman).
We'll see.
definitely george w bush and the republicans have the balls to accuse obama for how bad things are... it's going to take years to undo what he did.
In 1933, pres franklin roosevelt confiscated all personal gold holdings of americans. That's pretty bad.
George W Bush... and the second worst.... George w bush.