Flying to Orlando tomorrow, my daughter is in the hospital

by coffee_black 106 Replies latest jw friends

  • VIII

    I wish you a safe journey and I hope your beautiful daughter makes a full recovery. Your grandson is wonderful. Hugs!

  • Justitia Themis
    Justitia Themis

    I hope she has a quick and uneventful recovery.

  • zoiks

    Coffee, I wish you and your daughter and family all the best. Wishing her a speedy and complete recovery.

  • Snoozy

    I'm so sorry , we mothers are supposed to be the ones that get sick not the kids..

    I have been helping my daughter with Lyme for over a year..she is 50. Now they are running tests to make sure her heart isn't being affected as she has been having problems..

    I wish your daughter the best and a speedy recovery.

    Don't forget to take care of yourself, we mothers tend to forget to do that..

    Big hugs..


  • Magwitch
  • coffee_black

    She has congestive heart failure. That's what caused the fluid in her lungs. Her heart is very weak. They are puting in a pacemaker and giving medication to strengthen the heart muscle. Then it will be diet and excerCise. She is 34. She will have to go on disability at least short term. LuCkily she has coverage. Her doctor is the best. He said she qualifies for permanent disability. Her job is very stressful. He sAid the damage to her heart was probably caused by a virus. Her jw father has been in every day. I've warned the staff he may try to interfere and she has told the that she would take blood if it came to that. In th mean time her lunatic x husband has found out that she is in the hospital and called and threatened to take the kids. By court order he only gets supervised visits. Luckily I'm here for now. Have to come up with a gAme plan for when She comes home. We don't know when. They have to get all the fluid from her lungs and make sure there is no more infection before they can do the pacemaker. I am numb. I don't have internet. Just my blackberry. So I can't update too often. Hate the tiny keypad Coffee

  • Mary

    Oh jeez Coffee.....I'm so sorry to hear this. That is pretty scary that a virus can cause congestive heart failure in a 34 year old but it sounds like the hospital and doctors are doing all the right things. Please keep us updated as to her progress.

    Wishing you guys all the best.

  • wasblind

    ((((((( Coffee Black ))))))))

    Wow, caused by a virus ? you taught me something !!!

    Coffee my heart truly truly truly go out to you and your lovely daughter.

    I also hate that you have to deal with you and your daughters ex's

    how selfish of your son In law to put added stress on your daughter

    at this time. I understand about feeling numb, bein' hit with everything

    all at once must make you feel like you hit a brick wall at 100 mph.

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    Hugs to you both

    It must be very scary with that diagnosis at 34, but she looks young and spunky and I am sure that with lots of love and butt kicking from her Mum she will be just fine.

    (I have had something similar myself, and I'm still here.)

  • coffee_black

    Thanks everyone. Shee needs to write a book. Seriously. She Has been through so much. She is an amazing mother of 3 extraordinary children. I will update whenever possible Coffee

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