Flying to Orlando tomorrow, my daughter is in the hospital

by coffee_black 106 Replies latest jw friends

  • nugget

    It sounds as if you are having a stressful time. Thank goodness your daughter has you there to support her. The sad thing is all JWs would see your ex husbands behaviour as laudable. He needs to realise that he needs to back off and give your daughter space and peace to recover. Being love bombed by post is not helpful.

  • nugget

    It sounds as if you are having a stressful time. Thank goodness your daughter has you there to support her. The sad thing is all JWs would see your ex husbands behaviour as laudable. He needs to realise that he needs to back off and give your daughter space and peace to recover. Being love bombed by post is not helpful.

  • mrsjones5

    Wow Coffee, your ex is a piece of work. You're such a good mom, your daughter and granddaughter are fortunate to have you.

    You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers.


  • coffee_black

    Ali made it through surgery number 2. This one went more easily. She is resting as comfortably as can be expected.


  • OnTheWayOut
  • GLTirebiter

    Happy to hear Ali's treatment is going well. Probably best to ignore your ex, as much as possible under the circumstances.

  • jamiebowers

    I am just reading of your ordeal today, because I had one of my own a week ago last Monday. My husband went into full cardiac arrest and is in surgery today, 11 days later, for a defibulator and a new pacemaker. I am so sorry to hear that you and your daughter are going through all of this. I especially want to inform you that it is most likely that my husband's original pacemaker probably contributed to his cardiac arrest and weakened heart. The electro-cardiologist here at the Cleveland Clinic said there is no way to tell if a person's heart will weaken from a pacemaker, but the reason why my husband's condition became so serious is because he didn't see his cardiologist on a regular basis. Please warn your daughter to do so, so her heart condition can be monitored. We were under the impression that if he has his pacemaker tested every six months that it meant everything was fine, but that certainly hasn't been the case. He was supposed to get his pacemaker checked and check-up by the cardiologist every six months. Please warn your daughter to do the same.

  • Mary
    Her jw dad sent an email out to all his jw aquaintances asking them all to send cards to the hospital...and or cards to her home...and says he will give out her address if they privately email him. (he included her room number at the hospital, which is a secure number and not to be given out because of her crazy x husband) She would freak if she knew he was giving this information out. In the email he talks about his efforts to get her and her 12 year old daughter into the organization....and about his apostate x wife (that would be me) who is interfering with his efforts

    What a total and complete jackass. He has no business giving out your daughter's home address or even what hospital she's in, especially if there's a potential security risk with her ex, but of course, dedicated Witnesses will seize any opportunity to bash 'apostates' and take advantage of a serious situation in order to promote their crappy cult beliefs on anyone within hearing distance. One might wonder why he wants all the Dubs he knows to send his non-Dub daughter a bunch of cards, etc. when normally, JWs don't bother supporting anyone outside of their cloistered world. My guess is that your ex is trying to show your daughter how wonderful and caring JWs are and he's encouraging the love-bombing to commence.

    Yes, when the dust settles, I would absolutely consider suing him for what he wrote in the email.

    I'm glad that your daughters' surgery went well. Please keep us posted as to her progress.

  • wasblind

    " One might wonder why he wants all the Dubs he knows to send his non-Dub daughter a bunch of cards, etc. when normally, JWs don't bother supporting anyone outside of their cloistered world."

    Hey there Mary,

    in one of Jgnats post I think she mentioned that they are re enforcing the "get 'em in a weakened state" recruitment.

    that's what it looks as if he's doing without any regaurds to his daughters fragile condition, I know it has got to be sickening

    for Coffee_black knowing that the concern from the JW's is superficial and an annoyance.

  • coffee_black

    Ali may go home tomorrow. They want her to be a little more mobile, and have her vitals stable when she walks a little distance. She walked around 3/4 of the hospital floor today... the hospital is huge and very spread out.. (I swear I walk about 3 miles a day getting back and forth from parking etc. several times a day) That was a vast improvement over yesterday...and her vitals stayed within normal range.


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