As Far as JW's and Thanksgiving go...

by OnTheWayOut 30 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • OnTheWayOut

    It's one of the most confusing holidays to JW's. It doesn't specify who to give thanks to, it's a U.S. holiday that is semi-patriotic and semi-religious but not necessarily either one.

    I suppose JW's should go out of their way to avoid giving thanks this Thursday so Jehovah doesn't get pissed at them for being so slightly normal worldly and maybe accidentally smite them if Armageddon starts this Thursday.

  • isaacaustin

    Exactly, wouldn't want to step on his toes!

  • designs

    We will be Celebrating Thansgiving with some childhood friends, reconnected after all of these years. Great to be Free and great to start our own Traditions.

  • baltar447

    Meh, we've typically had a turkey dinner on thanksgiving unless we were just too busy or something. Depends on whether you're a laid back dub or an uber dub that gets offended at everything.

  • james_woods

    Could someone refresh my memory - what exactly is wrong or pagan about this holiday?

    If I recall correctly, the JWs used to just say it was "worldly" and could lead to gluttony.

    Well, buying gas with a credit card is worldly, and eating at an all-you-can-eat buffet could lead to gluttony.

    I think the real answer is that JWs simply cannot stand any celebration that they did not make up themselves.

  • VIII

    Every JW I know is having turkey with all the trimmings. They are all getting together with family and friends (JWs of course) and doing *everything* except putting Thanksgiving decorations out. *That* would be a no-no.

  • blondie

    It is a National Holiday like the Fourth of July.

  • undercover
    what exactly is wrong or pagan about this holiday?

    "Pagan" is the catch-all phrase the WTS uses when it's attempting to cast any "worldly" celebration/observation/practice in a bad and un-christian (read: non-JW) light.

    Over time "pagan" has become a cult buzzword among JWs. Just the other day a JW family member cast aspersions on another non-JW family member who was going to a Catholic service by saying, "there they to worship their pagan god...". To the JW mind, anyone not worshipping "Jehovah" as they do is "pagan", even when the non-believer claims to be Christian. The Catholic god and his representative, the Pope, are pagan because they're not the one true religion. Therefore any practice that they observe, be it religious or just traditional becomes, by association, "pagan".

    I remember when I was active and believing, saying similar stupid and ignorant shit. It really stands out to me now when I hear JWs use the word incorrectly.

  • respectful_observer

    I think it all depends on the area where you live. I've encountered some JWs who wouldn't eat a turkey on Thursday just out of principle. But I know of plenty (myself included) who have no problem with that. In fact, my Wednesday night and Thursday morning will be spend prepping a large turkey and all the sides for guests-- elders and pioneers included. No one's dressing up like Pilgrims or American Indians (that I know of), but we all realize it's a perfect day to enjoy everyone's company and that it doesn't matter what type of food we eat. It just so happens that turkey is a very economical way to feed a large group...and what do you know, they were on sale at the grocery store this week!

    I think it speaks to an issue that arises on this forum fairly often-- that for as many "fundamentalist" JWs that are out there, there are an ever-increasing number of JWs that see the dangers of being consumed by hard-and-fast (pharisaical) rules that frankly are difficult (or impossible) to support from the Bible. Just as long as my guests wash up to the elbows before they eat, my conscience will be clean...

  • zoiks

    I've seen JWs go all-out on Thanksgiving, and I've seen other JWs judge them for it. It is a confusing holiday for JWs; I remember trying to explain the reasons why we didnt' celebrate it. Not fun!

    This year we will go to see my JW family and have a 'not Thanksgiving' turkey dinner with all the trimmings. I'm willing to put up with the hypocrisy because they're willing to tolerate an apostate in their midst. Everyone wins!


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