As Far as JW's and Thanksgiving go...

by OnTheWayOut 30 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • mamalove

    We had dinners or brunches at just about every holiday we could think of. If it was a party, we would have it.

  • BoomTown

    My staunch jw in laws always have turkey on thanksgiving. So does the coordinating elder of the local congregation.

  • MrFreeze

    Spending time with family and being thankful for what you have? That's heresy my friends!

    I'm proud (or ashamed, depending upon how you look at it) to say that I will be celebrating my first Thanksgiving this Thursday!

  • bob1999

    What year did they stop celebrating Thanksgiving?

    I guess I'm getting old but I can remember my grandmother cooking Thanksgiving dinners.

    Then sometime along the way, she stopped.


  • GLTirebiter

    What gets under my skin is how they completely secularize a holiday that has somehow retained some spiritual significance. They will cook and eat the big dinner, they will enjoy the day off from work, they will watch the football games on TV--but they will not acknowledge the day is dedicated to showing gratitude to God for the blessings we have received. They gladly partake of the superficial symbols, but deny the reason we have them!

  • garyneal

    My wife is wishy washy. I have to ask her everyday whether or not she is joining me and my family for Thanksgiving dinner. Her family, naturally, won't do it. Oh well, in two days I will see if she keeps her promise and joins us.

    Frankly, I find it sad that she cannot be firm on any decision concerning the Holidays.

  • WTWizard

    When I was going in, the dingbat that dragged me into the cancer insisted that it was very bad. He wanted me to waste that afternoon at his dump so I wouldn't be tempted to celebrate Thanksgiving. I believe we ended up having chicken, mashed potatoes without gravy, and artichokes that evening and then wasted more time at the Kingdumb Hell for the boasting session. His stupid excuse was that every day was "Thanksgiving".

    Another reason is that the witlesses are supposed to be wasting their time going from door to door. Since most people are home on Thanksgiving, it is prime time to reach those who are not normally home. You will look like a complete dork, but you will get nearly everyone at home to pxxx them off when they are trying to enjoy their turkey dinner. And, the money you "should have been giving to the Worldwide Pedophile Defense Fund" instead is "wasted" on turkey and the trimmings. Some of those things get very expensive--spices costing more than $5 a tiny jar that are only used on Thanksgiving and Christmas dinners, condiments used only on Thanksgiving and Christmas, and those pies all add up. That money "should" be placed instead into the Worldwide Pedophile Defense Fund, while you are busy rounding everyone up that is trying to enjoy the holiday.

  • CuriousButterfly

    I've seen JWs go all-out on Thanksgiving, and I've seen other JWs judge them for it. It is a confusing holiday for JWs; I remember trying to explain the reasons why we didnt' celebrate it. Not fun!

    This year we will go to see my JW family and have a 'not Thanksgiving' turkey dinner with all the trimmings. I'm willing to put up with the hypocrisy because they're willing to tolerate an apostate in their midst. Everyone wins!

    We go to my in-laws on Thanksgiving. My mother-in-law's point of view, "everyone has the day off and we can get together as a family". We have Thanksgiving dinner every year and I LOVE eating turkey with the fixings. We do not advertise it, since all in attendance are JWs....elders, MS, pioneers...

  • OnTheWayOut

    Well, this has confirmed that others' families and JW 'friends' are just as baffled as mine are/were.

    I am taking my computer break this holiday weekend, starting in just a little bit after I check the latest threads and emails and junk, SO EVERYBODY HAVE A GREAT THANKSGIVING AND DO SOMETHING FUN ON BLACK FRIDAY IF YOU AREN'T WORKING.

  • garyneal

    My wife and I are taking the kids to see Tangled on Black Friday, after we do all the holiday shopping. The wife feels uneasy about celebrating the Holidays but she loves to shop for the Holidays.

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