Did Moshe kick @ss in field service today?
by moshe 92 Replies latest members private
moshe, if someone asked me that during field service, those questions would be big red flags.
Feel the Pride.......
Should newspapers not post pictures to accompany thier stories?
Newspaper reporters don't generally masquerade as something they are not. If they do....they work for the Enquirer or some such low brow publication.
ewhyzee, I was never asked if I was a JW, they just assummed I was. That's a JW for you- they don't require proof. The GB say they are the direct channel to jehoobah and JWs accept it. Have they ever asked one of the GB if they are the direct channel? No, they don't. Do they have the name of the WT writer who made that promise of divine guidance? No they don't. It's all hearsay and they could find out facts, if only they asked for proof.
Every JW I knew was proud to be seen out in FS- they gave permission for me to take their picture- without reservations-
Many here are still scared of the WT AND IT'S STOOGES, THE ELDERS.
Great thread, Moshe. Don't know how that sis didn't run away after your discussion. Who knows, maybe in a coupla' months she'll join us on here!
I do hope you're going to put your report in. Every hour counts.
I have some questions!
So how long were you with them? 4 doors doesnt take long? How did you get out of the group? Did you give the line, "I am only out for an hour."
As far as posting the pics, I can barely see their faces, and would never be able to pick them out of a line up. Second, JW's post their faces all over their literature, and third, they POSED, you didn't snap it incongnito. Sure they are a trusting bunch, but you didn't harm them. You didnt rattle them all up, and if anything they would be proud of themselves that they stayed true to what they really are
Be sure to turn in your time card here, Moshe.
True, it's scary to think that these well meaning folk were trusting enough to have spent the day sitting next to someone in a car without knowing who they really were. You could have been a dangerous person. It doesn't matter what they believe about the governing body or anything else....you took unfair advantage of them after they took you in to their trust. You knew all about them....but they didn't know anything about you or that you were using them for your own self serving purposes. People who are overly trusing are a bit foolish...but what you did is just evil.
I have a lovely daughter in law who is still "in" she could just as well been a victim of your little prank. I have a very sweet sister in law in Florida as well... she would have been very hurt if this happened to her....and my brother would have come looking for you.
I don't want any part of this kind of thing....not nice....plain wrong !
OVER and OUT !