Most JWs don't mean any harm to their fellow JWs. Unless there is proof otherwise, I treat them like any other member of the public.
Did Moshe kick @ss in field service today?
by moshe 92 Replies latest members private
Bungi Bill
I don't like you taking the mickey out of us bald guys, though !
Good on you Moshe
Sorry you wasted 2 hours of your life for this experiment.
BP, I consider myself having good social skills so I do not go out of my way to mistreat anyone or bully anyone just because of their beliefs
JW's may not think that they cause harm, but the fact of the matter is that they do through their beliefs. Do I mistreat or bully them? no.
but it will no longer blind me to the fact that lives have been lost, and families torn apart, because of this religion
Surely you must have seen something wrong with the religion its self, other wise you would still be a member, no one is telling you to
go out and mistreat it's members.
JW's have told householders that they are not there to make them change their religion. you know this.
But that's exactly what they are there to do. Moshe's false pretense wasn't any different than theirs
Good job Moshe!! I love what you did.
BP you said:
Most JWs don't mean any harm to their fellow JWs. Unless there is proof otherwise, I treat them like any other member of the public.
I have to disagree. Between DFing, the shunning policy, the no blood policy and numerous other ways JWs guilt trip each other to the nasty ways they just generally treat someone who doesn't tow the JW party line, they harm fellow JWs in innumerable ways. Ever get on the bad side of an Elders wife?
Oh, then there is the hush-hush policy of child molestation and wife beating. Can't bring shame on Jehovah's name now, can we?
They are not like any other member of the public. Remember the "We are not apart of this world" stuff? Perhaps you need to go back to the KH for a few sessions to recall what a cult really is.
Don't get me started on Armageddon and all the billions who will be slaughtered by our loving creator.
I remember another tidbit-
The sister commented how people don't want to listen to our message.
I replied- " I talked to Mormon once and he tried to convince me his religion was the right one and I tried to convince him mine was the true religion- to no success. ( they have their book of Mormon, the sister added) The Mormon told me, their are three choices for us- either I am right or you are right or we are both---'"
"wrong" interjected the sister, she got the point on that one.
I continued my story with the sister---" I asked the Mormon how he became one and he told his story - he was praying to God for help in finding the true religion and the next day Mormon missionaries came to his door- God answered his prayers! So I asked the Mormon, "so if JWs had worked your street first and came to your door first, you would have become a JW?" I thought I had made a good point, I explained to the sister," but then I realized that my finger had turned around and was pointing at me now too- suppose the Mormons had called on me first- would I be a Mormon today?"
She had been nodding a little bit to my story, but then her face got kinda serious. I made my point- perhaps JWs become JWs because of coincidence and the timing of the door2door preaching- nothing more- no direction from the angels- just a lot of busy work trying to find that one vulnerable housholder who is willing to take the JW message at face value.
Well you can't witness to a Mormon", the sister added, with an air of finality
I continued," The Mormons will disown any family member who quits that religion" did you know that?, "yes", she admiited, "The Mormons shun their ex-members just like JWs do, so even if they wanted to leave, they are held hostage. Shunning breaks up their family ties."
"My grown kids never got baptised, so I can talk to them, but maybe JWs are too strict with their shunning- don't you agree?"
"well maybe sometimes", the sister replied softly
Then we went to the next door-
Trust, you left her with food for thought, , Just like you did on thanksgiving day
I don't argue with them, I try to leave them with food for thought
and I have found no better way than with their own literature, even house holders who never studied
before can except the literature and find something in there to discuss with them on the next
visit. For example if they gave you the public edition of the Sept 1, 2010 WT, on their
next visit you can ask them are you here to suggest that I change my religion ? and if
they say no, turn to page 13 in that mag, It clearly shows them suggesting to the reader
to change your religion. Also on that same page they state that you should have no fear in
examining your own beliefs, How is that for double speak !!!!!!
Again I will tell BP that what you did is no different than what they do.
If she don't belive me read it for her self, I couldn't make this sh!t up if I tried
Good point, Wasblind- JWs shoot themselves in the foot with their literature all the time. I was wondering this morning, if the sister I worked with lost any sleep last night thinking about what I told her. That cover from the May-15-1984 WT I surprised her with had to make an impact- her brain wasn't prepared for that one, I'll bet-
I can't decide if I like what Moshe did or not.
On the one hand, I don't like deception of any sort. So I don't think I could have done what Moshe does. On the other hand, (now that the pictures are down), he didn't hurt anyone, and he might have helped someone.
I think this is between Moshe and God.
What I have asked myself is: If I were a JW, and it was false, would I be angry about someone doing what Moshe did? If I was still a JW and heard about it, yeah. But from where I'm sitting right now, I would probably be happy that someone cared enough to try and help me out. So long as Moshe's actions are motivated by love for those trapped in the WT, (rather than just anger at the WT and trying to bring them down for what they did to Moshe) then perhaps the deception is covered over.
Not that Moshe needs my approval. But in this instance, I would be thankful if I was that JW sister, and his actions helped to wake me up.