Heh heh, touche bro
Has anyone ever heard this theory about God and Satan?
by serenitynow! 37 Replies latest watchtower bible
FHN reading the bible I'm not getting a love vibe. I believe that Satan is just a scapegoat, he gets the blame for everything. God wants the glory for anything that goes right, whether or not he had anything to do with it.
On the other hand, Jehovah's chosen organization
Yeah.... um... according to those who made it up and belong to it. No need to think that the roles are any different than ever.
FHN reading the bible I'm not getting a love vibe.
Try reading about Christ. He's the one who shows us the Father.
I once came to the conclusion that Jesus was Jehovah's better half. I figured they must be the same person, which would explain why he was willing to hand down the crown to Jesus when the one thing he wants the most is to be worshiped and obeyed himself. And since they act soooo differently, I figured God was a duality of good (Jesus) and evil (Jehovah).
I later decided God didn't exist.
Serenity, one thing that really flipped my mind was examining the original Hebrew in Job 1:11 where Satan tells Yahweh to smite Job and Job would surely curse God (God in this context meaning Yahweh). I happened to turn to this verse when I was at my darkest hour and I thought, well, looks like Satan was right... but then I realized the Hebrew words rendered "smite" and "curse" in the King's English actually could have dual meanings depending on the context... the first word implying touching/laying on of hands... BUT either to harm OR to heal, and the second word implying treatment depending on justice... BUT either to curse OR to bless...
And then it hit me like a ton of bricks...
Satan, Yahweh, God, the Devil, Christ, Judas, blessings, curses... it ALL DEPENDED ON CONTEXT AND PERSPECTIVE.
And then a teeny lil' ray of light broke through.
Talk about mindf---k for the soul!
But Tammy, do we then discount the rest of the bible? Is the god of the new testament different from the god of the OT? That's what I've never understood. Jesus does seem to be loving, but Jehovah, not so much.
If it was God's will for Christ to be crucified for our salvation... shouldn't we be thankful to Judas and his Pharisee pals as well?
Maybe Judas was Jehovah. The father betraying the Son. Unless you factor in the salvation-of-the-human-race thingy.
An act of love? Betrayal? Both?
Heads? Tails?
Two sides of the same coin?
I always felt this way as a dub, Serenity. Sweetie Jesus was infinitely easier to love and follow than his angry dad.
Wow agonus, now I'm more confused.