Todays WT study illustration of Jesus doing away Capitol Hill and Obama - a statement of the WTS?

by Gorbatchov 101 Replies latest jw friends

  • therevealer

    Yes indeed. When zoomed it is even more weird or weirder or whatever proper English dictates. Anyway if you look at the couple in the lower left it looks like a youngish father with a teenage daughter looking at the destruction with great satisfaction. I think they must have sent all the ones home that could make up good illustrations for them.

  • agonus

    Funny, the Art department shows a dead Will Smith-looking guy at the bottom of above Armageddon picture, but in the new Shitty Jesus picture, it looks like the same guy is now president.

  • therevealer

    This got me looking at other pics in that issue and I must ask with the constant harping about tv and video games why would they include a big flat screen and an X-box in the pic on page 26.

  • therevealer

    BUT they don't go along with that fearmongering christendom and their hell-fire doctrine.

  • Leolaia

    Everything except for Jesus' claw hand is lifted, I think.

    Here is the source of the mugging image:

  • AGuest

    I'm still trying to figure out (because I couldn't when I was in the Borg)... where they get such a depiction of my Lord. I mean, other than their misinterpretation of the 19th Chapter of John's revelation...

    Peace to you all!

    A slave of Christ,


  • agonus

    Good catch, Leolaia!

    God, I could EAT previous WT material and crap out better artwork!

  • designs

    The JW God gets it done and gets on with things, no dragging it out for all Eternity for him, must have better things to do with his time

    RE- the picture, amazing how far back they go to use tired old art work, maybe they have cut way down in this Department as well.

  • Leolaia

    Jesus sure didn't age well in heaven waiting to have his second coming, didn't he?

  • Leolaia

    So essentially Satan's system of things consists of a world of tanks, floating money, Latinos mugging Asians, black presidents, Sam Spade shooting at meteors, strung-out cigarette-smoking gamblers with bimbos, fast cars, dudes walking in Dutched angles, black helicopters, Capitol Hill, the stock market......and NOT MUCH ELSE.

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