Todays WT study illustration of Jesus doing away Capitol Hill and Obama - a statement of the WTS?

by Gorbatchov 101 Replies latest jw friends

  • cameo-d


    I Declare that the WatchTower Organization is, and always has been, a Terrorist Organization.

    I Declare that the artwork itself is a promotion of Treason specifically directed at the White House and the Obama Administration.

    I Declare that the Watchtower is promoting a threat against the President of the United States through the use of violent artwork and implication.

    I Declare that the WatchTower organization is an affront to any peace loving people with it's years of displaying violent images and using psychological strong-arm tactics, including but not limited to, fear-based manipulation of it's members.

    I Declare that the WatchTower and it's organizers, board members, and informed promoters are a vile stench on the face of this earth.

    I Declare that there will never be any Peace in this world until such evil has been dismantled.


    "WBT$ Fired "Jesus" as Mediator..


    Hired him as a Sniper..

    ........................ ...OUTLAW

  • ProdigalSon

    That ain't Jesus. I think that dude used to play left inside linebacker for the Cleveland Browns.

  • baltar447

    Oh, the irony! One picture counsels avoiding violent video games, and then this picture is glorifying violence!

    At the least that illustration of Jesus is disturbing. I believe he is supposed to be displaying mild disgust or something, but I still don't like this illustration.

  • Heaven

    Well my first thought was "What's up with making Jesus an old man?" When did they decide to do that?

    And then I wondered.... um... so those resurrected to Heaven HAVE gender but those resurrected to paradise Earth do not? Huh?

  • AGuest

    Given the comments above, I can hear someone in the Writing Department going, "Oh, shi...." and someone on the Writing Committee going "Whose idea was this, again?!" Methinks this may be one that backfires on them. As well it should.


    A slave of Christ,


  • wasblind

    Hey Satanus

    I'm thinkin' maybe the better artist defected, cause I took notice of the hand also.

  • carla

    Are you guys sure they mean that to be Jesus?

    I think my jw believes you grow younger again if you die (anointed of course and I suppose that would include Jesus) at least I think he does, hmm, pretty sure. At any rate I am not up to one of those conversations today. A glass of wine while I ponder more assinine images and more propaganda from the wt drilled into his head. sigh.

  • stillin9

    Didn't read all 4 pages of the thread so sorry if I am repeating someone. But the corner right hand of the image also looks like a couple trying to escape with their children.

    That's hillarious OUTLAW! LOL!

  • WhereWasI

    Take away the white hair and I see Spock. Sort of.

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