It was quite the 'feel good' moment for me!
Wow! That's just soooo wonderful! Maybe you can relate the experience at the next ASS-embly!! Don't forget to count him as a Return Visit.
Asshole that you are.
by Doubtfully Yours 42 Replies latest jw friends
It was quite the 'feel good' moment for me!
Wow! That's just soooo wonderful! Maybe you can relate the experience at the next ASS-embly!! Don't forget to count him as a Return Visit.
Asshole that you are.
DY, I read your profile, it is telling me that you are sitting on the fence!
DY wrote: ...all without the materialism and excess that are characteristics of today's holiday celebrations.
Actually, I know many people who celebrate without going to excess. It's really a matter of personal choice and self-control as too how much someone will spend.
As a JW, I had the same response as DY about giving at any time during the year. I really wanted to believe it and, to an extent, did believe that the holiday's were just selfish and bothersome. At the same time I realized that we were really missing out on some wonderful memory-making traditions and experiences.
Non-JWs can and do also give at non-holiday occaisions, too.
@Mary - Yikes! I think the a**hole comment was unwarranted.
also, witnesses should REFUSE a day off since it's not a holiday for them.
Christmas certainly is a time of year when even pagans follow the command to look after orphans and widows in their tribulation --- when does the watchtower do this --- ahhhhhhhh, NEVER! isn't this the kind of faith that God approves of. many faiths practice this every day of the year, but the holiday season inspires many to give out of their heart to those in need.
@Mary - Yikes! I think the a**hole comment was unwarranted.
I don't. If you read DY's profile, she was smart enough at one time to realize that this was not 'the truth'--that it was a very highly controlled cult by what she said in her profile that says in part: "...Slowly fading until the right time comes to exit this slave-driving, dream-selling, highly-controlling religious organization."
However, her spouse is a Dub and she foolishly has blinded herself to the damage this religion has done and she has re-embraced it as 'the Truth'. Most notibly, her braindead comments about the Society's stand on blood transfusions is what I find most offensive and she has freely admitted that she simply comes on here to yank our chains with her stupid comments. The fact that she keeps coming back is evidence that she comes on here to get her 'persecution fix'. In other words, whenever she sees someone responding negatively to her comments, she can breath a sigh of relief and this "Aaahh.....they're against me, so this must be the Truth!"
And thus it continues. DY is an idiot, plain and simple. It's time she updated her profile to read "Have allowed myself to be re-brainwashed into believe that this is the one true religion."
Hi there Doubtfully,
while in your "feel good moment" did you tell your co workers how hard the JW kids
have it in school during the holidays ? How emotionally draining it is for them ?
and that there is nothing a JW parent can say that will take away the pain of being ridiculed by other children ?
don't tell half of the story Doubtfully, tell it all !!!! tell your co workers all of it
how do you expect other children to react when JW kids tell them "I am no part of this world"
the other children ask "are you an alien ?, Ha Ha Ha "
I hate Christmas, and one of the only things I like about being raised in this cancer of a religion is that I don't have to celebrate that cancer of a holiday Christmas. Capitalist scumbags taking advantage of people with false pretenses that this holiday has something to do with Christ. To heck with Christmas. To hell with consumerism.
At the same time though, Doubtfully Yours, don't pat yourself too hard on the back. While you coworkers may agree that Christmas is hell on the pockets, and is an emotional nightmare.............the life of a JW is at least three times as bad, maybe even four. How so? Well, Christmas is one day during the year. One day verses.........two circuit assembly days back to back, one special circuit assembly day, three day district conventions, the family worship night, the service meeting, the theocratic ministry school, the public talk, the watchtower study, at least one day out of the week in field service, Da Friends calling you at the most inconvenient of times to discuss the stupidest of things, on and on and on and never seems like it ends!! If you ever miss too many of these theocratic arrangements, guys like me start calling on you to see what the problem is. "We missed you DY! Is everyting ok(with my theocratic knife hidden behing my back in case you answer wrong)?"
All of those theorcratic arrangements are hell on the pocketbook too. Whether its the wear and tear on your vehicle, gas money, hotel lodging, suits and shiny shoes, or in your case...blouses with shoulderpads and floral skirts, stockings. Then there's the emotional wear and tear. Depression, anxiety, excessive tiredness which now has a label.......chronic fatigue syndrome. Lack of sleep, fear of God's wrath and whether you're doing enough to appease him and his chosen earthly representatives.
DY, don't kid yourself, it felt excellant during the moment, I've had those moments too, and they do feel good. However, the far majority of the time, life as a JW is like my chosen screen name.
I can't wait for DY's response to Misery,
He really summed it up
DY doesn't respond to direct questions or requests, like Mary said she just here to reinforce her persecution complex.