My journey to atheism

by Awakened at Gilead 34 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Awakened at Gilead
    Awakened at Gilead

    I've blogged about my path from missionary to atheist on Freeminds - see the latest post here:

    I haven't shared this aspect of my journey in an organized fashion, so please let me know what you think...


    A@G :)

  • leavingwt
  • 3Mozzies

    Thank you A@G, look forward to reading it.

    Must say a quick thank you for your exceptional videos on youtube, you helped me quite a lot my friend :)


  • MrFreeze

    Those are very interesting points you brought up and your post has really made me think. Isn't it wonderful to finally be able to be open-minded?

  • startingover

    I for one really appreciate your blog as I have come to the same conclusions. You have expressed your journey better than I could have. Thanks!

  • unshackled

    Great stuff Awakened. A lot of your points were some of thoughts that started me on my way out. Thanks for the post.

  • Awakened at Gilead
    Awakened at Gilead

    Thanks for the comments!

  • OnTheWayOut

    I remember meeting you when you were "fresh out" of the JW's mind-prison. While you were much more intense about it, you took a path similar to mine. I needed to look at the supposed source of the JW's and the dominate religious belief of the U.S.- the Bible. I needed to see what was wrong about it and I relied on science to show me where Christianity, the Bible, and virtually all religion was wrong.

    I visited that same exhibit at the Chicago Field Museum after I already passed the point of examination, but I was fascinated by the mass extinctions and what science knew of prehistoric life. It reminded me of something George Carlin said in some interview- that over 90% of all life species have gone extinct without man's interference at all. The planet was okay long before man was on the scene and will be okay long after man is gone. Earth is fine, it's man who is screwed up. But it also made me think of how so much was here before man and it makes God seem rather destructive as your blog says.

    Thanks for sharing.

  • Curtains

    thanks for sharing your journey to atheism. I have also thought long and hard about an indifferent universe but will leave that discussion for another time. I am also looking forward to your discussions about evolution as you make some thoughtful, clear points that make sense.

  • Iron Head
    Iron Head

    Self promoters. They are what they are. I personally have no use for them

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