AAG, thanks for sharing your story. Here's mine: I was born an atheist; got converted to the OT god early on; came back to my senses eventually.
My journey to atheism
by Awakened at Gilead 34 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Awakened at Gilead
Iron Head, what are you referring to?
STreets, sorry to hear that you were ill but glad that you recovered. :)
Iron Head
"Iron Head, what are you referring to?"
Self promoters in general and you in particular.
Self promotion??? WTF?
AAG, I quite enjoyed your videos on Youtube. It's interesting to see other people's journeys through their belief systems. I don't think it's self-aggrandizing, or seeking attention. These kinds of media help mixed up Dubs to put a face to the person who's writing. I was quite surprised to find that you woke up at Gilead. Hopefully, this will help convince people that are sitting on the fence, to make a positive choice.
Could we say Ray Franz was a self-promoter? I doubt it. He just wanted to help people
Iron Head
"Could we say Ray Franz was a self-promoter?"
cognizant dissident
I think "Iron Head" has aptly named himself.
If what Ray did was self promotion then more power to him and others like him.....
Healthy existentialism rocks!
Awakened at Gilead
Self promotion was prohibited as JWs, so there's nothing wrong with it now :)
At any rate, if we don't share our stories with each other, how else can we help each other heal?
A@G, self-promotion was prohibited in the JWs, except by the org itself! LOL
I don't wanna get into a debate about definitions of terms, butI don't think you are an atheist as much as an agnostic perhaps.
It was a very nice read, though all the points you mentioned have been shared by many a christian ( to name only one religion) and have not caused all of them to become atheists and as I am sure you know, there are MANY scientists that believe in God and find no conflict in their belief with their science.
I do think that for any fundamentalist, and a JW's falls into that category, who starts to ask the big questions and accepts sciences answers to them, that they will indeed end up turning their back on religion.
Very few fundamentalists can go from where they are to a moderate view, it seems far apt for them to go to the opposite view, from God is the creator and bible is inerrant to No God, No creation and bible is useless.
The middle road seems to be one that is harder for a fundamentalist to travel ( not that he should mind you, its just an obersavtion).
Thank you so much for sharing this with US :)