Did You Consider Yourself An "Ordained Minister?

by minimus 28 Replies latest jw friends

  • chickpea

    i do now....

    registered online for free a few years ago


  • Newborn

    Just the words Ordained minister, gives me the creeps....

  • james_woods

    Back in the draft days of Viet Nam, there was a lot of double-talk about this. While technically the JWs tried to say everyone "was a minister", they had a lot of consternation explaining (as in to a draft board) the word "ordained".

    There was some mumbo-jumbo at the time that they were "ordained by Jehovah", but they were also strangely proud that nobody went to a seminary or had any sort of formal training.

    Naturally, none of this elliptical talk impressed the draft board. Very, very few witness men of the day received a ministerial deferment - not even full-time pioneers.

    I had the good fortune to keep a college deferment as long as I could, finally got a ministerial deferment after a tangle of legal expense and effort, and finally was saved by the Nixon draft lottery in which I drew a favorable number.

    This idiocy of not knowing who is and is not a minister is just one more manifestation of the witnesses stubborn attitude that they absolutely have to do things completely different from any and all christian religions on earth.

  • life is to short
    life is to short

    I was forced to get baptized at the age of 12, I thought it was so stupid at the time I was sitting there at the assembly with the CO's wife smiling at me that I was doing the right thing I was thinking to myself if you only knew. The elders came by and went over the questions with my whole family and they only asked me just one question what was God's name. That was it and I was baptized, what was God's name was my only question to allow me to get baptized. The elders could care less about me as that abused 12 year old child, they just wanted to shut my parents up and so they allowed my family to get baptized and that included me to get my parents out of their hair.

    When I found out I was supposed to be an Ordained minister I was like OMG you have to be joking me. Seriously I am an Ordained minister, I do not know anything truly about this religion, I was never studied with on and on, I read on my own from the age of 7 and tired to understand why Jehovah choose me to be in his one true religion as everyone told me. But when I asked questions to help me understand better what I was told I was too believe I was shut down and told I was asking the wrong kind of questions just wait till the light gets brighter. OMG it is all so crazy and I was an Ordained Minister?

    Also if us sisters are Ordained ministers they why are we not allowed to see the new elders book, and why are we not even allowed in the KH while the elite elders schools are going on?

    What a joke.


  • minimus

    But as an ordained child minister, I could've gone into hospitals after hours!

  • WTWizard

    They use this term to make you feel responsible for the spiritual health of everyone in the territory. Just another way to guilt people into wasting all their time running around in the same territory, since it is for this that you are ordained, and the territory is where you do your ministering.

    Aside the accountability, I never saw myself as qualified to minister. I only got a few disjointed factoids out of the Kingdumb Misery, the rags, and the boasting sessions (always the same ones). We always went to the same few scriptures in the field, and took them out of context. Fact is, I would probably be better qualified, knowledge-wise, as a minister as an apostate on Satan's side than I ever did as an active witless.

  • Terry

    Back in the draft days of Viet Nam, there was a lot of double-talk about this. While technically the JWs tried to say everyone "was a minister", they had a lot of consternation explaining (as in to a draft board) the word "ordained".

    There was some mumbo-jumbo at the time that they were "ordained by Jehovah", but they were also strangely proud that nobody went to a seminary or had any sort of formal training.

    Most of the defense I gave to my local draft board was based on scriptures that only apply to the anointed! No wonder they ignored my arguments:)

  • james_woods
    Most of the defense I gave to my local draft board was based on scriptures that only apply to the anointed! No wonder they ignored my arguments:)

    Exactly, Terry - I remember after those hearings thinking that I didn't really believe my "minister" story either...

  • Heaven

    When I found out I was expected to go door-to-door to ensure my eternal life and that I was to 'preach' and be a minister my thoughts were

    "BLECH! I don't want to be a minister." I never signed up.

    Calvin Blech

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