I could go ahead and put my money in a retirement account only to watch Osama Obama take it away to dole out as a pension (and that's if he hasn't figured out how to waste it giving it to the witlesses who are pio-sneering) or the Rothschilds, Rockefellers, and Morgans totally devalue it through 15,000 digit inflation when they feel ready. I would rather go ahead and spend it on items that are going to hold up for decades when money becomes worth more as toilet paper than as currency. After that, I would go ahead and buy gold, silver, and other assets that hold real value. You spend $1,350 for an ounce of gold today, and the Morgans and Rothschilds make it cost 10^1,350,000 tomorrow, that is $1,350 they will not be able to touch.
And I think it's more important to spend money on items that could be used in barter. It is going to come to that: Paying for goods and services by providing other goods and services. Of course, the more Osama Obama can pass stupid laws, the more it will be a crime to do that: Already, $510 is passing, making it a crime to grow your own food and give it away in exchange for other services. That will hold us hostage to paying for it with money (that will be worthless), since Monsanto is not going to accept getting their place decorated for Christmas or a leaky roof fixed as payment for their "phude".