What happens when you contact wbts HQ

by Archimendes 22 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Archimendes

    Hi all,

    What sort of responses do people actually get when you write to brooklyn hq to query subjects like their quote mining and other dubious uses of sources. I am currently having a bit of a 'discussion' on a popular NZ MB with 3 or 4 current jw who are having a hard time accepting that the quotes from their latest pamphlets on evolution, among others are taken out of context, its got to the point where the only answer they are willing to give is to take it up with borg central.

    If I actually physically mailed them a letter with a large portion of attached documents, would I get an actual response, photocopies of articles, or filed under wicked slave?

  • zeroday*

    Waste of your time...they probably get this stuff all the time...

  • troubled mind
    troubled mind

    Call them and find out ....then let us know !

  • Yan Bibiyan
    Yan Bibiyan

    Welcome Archimendes.

    You call them, they tell you to go f#@k yourself in the kindest "christian" way possible. Well not literally, but the result is the same...

  • OnTheWayOut

    Rick Fearon of SixScreens has videos of what happens. You can find links by starting with this one:


    They generally offer no answers. Writing them as a JW virtually always causes them to kick your letter back to your C.O. and your congregation elders. Writing without being a JW might still cause them to kick your letter to a local congregation so that the door-to-door sales crew can answer your question, but they often send a non-answer or a JW answer to questions also.

  • diamondiiz

    If you call them they will tell you to write to them as they won't answer you anything over the phone. I called about the abuse scandel and they transfered me to the laywers and there the asshole wouldn't answer anything but told me to write to them. Like WTF, they can't speak over the phone but need something in writing? If you write them, I'm sure a drone will answer you with typical wts bs. If they figure you're a dub you will get a copy and a copy will be send to your congregation. IMO it's a waste of time writing to them but give it a try if you're really curious.

  • WontLeave

    In my experience as a JW, correspondence is completely ignored except to be put in your file as ammunition against you at your next back-room meeting. From what I've seen of outsiders' experience, getting a straight answer out of the Society is about as easy as getting a straight answer out of a crooked politician or sleazy salesman. You'll get some scripted side-step that totally avoids your question and quotes some double-talk from WT articles.

  • Archimendes

    Thanks alot, I was raised jw myself, never baptised I think I got of lucky

  • dark angle
    dark angle

    I love the infos i got here. thanks everyone!

  • Archimendes

    Yes I can say the members I am communicating pretty much communicate in copypasta from the many jw websites. Anything that comes from wt is good, anything that comes from any outside source is from a 'hate site.' A really amusing one is the Jonathon Wells videos for intelligent design they host at http://www.youtube.com/user/TheocraticResearch#p/u/6/Hbl9yHzPxyI

    Wonder if they let the flock know he is a uniterian who was sent to university by the head moonie to attack evolution?

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