I do it find curious that the question is usually "are religion and science compatible?" When it is the word religion used I say no, because what religion? They can't all be compatible, if at all.
Science is the constant, and all the religious beliefs vary. So we'll have a mormon tell a JW "our religions agrees with science not yours" or a Muslim to a Christian, or a Jew to a Buddhist, whatever combo you want. Science remains the constant, the different ideologies are jostling to cozy up to science, and are at odds with eachother. And what is usually lost on believers is that their choice of religion simply came down to geography...where they were born.
Anyhoo, I propose a better question...is spirituality and science compatible? To that I'd say yes, because sprituality can mean a lot of different things to a lot of different people. It does not require one to staunchly defend dogma.