TAMMY expostulates: You can't say this as if its a fact. We can know who God is, through Christ. True, we may not have all of Christ's words about him, and we may misunderstand what is written.. . but if we can get the sense of who Christ is, then we can get the sense of who God is . Of course, all this is dependent upon having faith in Christ, in the first place.
Okay, let's take this one step at a time.
Neither you nor I have seen God. We haven't touched God. We haven't smelled God. We haven't tasted God. We haven't heard with our natural ears the Voice of God.
You'd have to go all poetic and metaphorical and start sighing in breathless phrases about "seeing" God through His creation, being "touched" by the power of His love....etc. to work around the clear undebatable facts of NON-GOD evidence.
Secondly, talking to God (praying) over years and years is constant self-programming reinforcement of the premise that God HEARS you! Who wants to admit they are crazy enough to talk to NOBODY? You've rigged the outcome in advance!
There is a desperate and unquenchable famine in mankind's vanishingly small life which craves MORE AND MORE of it and the only conceivable solution--so far--is postulating a HERO JESUS who yanks our bacon out of the fire.
So, I can't really blame anybody if they grasp frantically for all they come up with as they are drowning. Who knows, maybe a brick can float??
Thirdly, every Jesus story you've ever read which is purported to be factual comes directly out of a fragile document called the Holy Bible.
This concoction of many "little books" has no chain-of-ownership untampered, uncorrupted and verifiable by any means other than very LOUD and THREATENING assertions by others who earn their living from getting you to accept its gravitas and authority.
It had been told as stories as word of mouth. It was contradicted and retold. Finally, it was written, copied, recopied and translated while be interpreted. The first two chains of connection (wriiten as originals and recopied) have VANISHED UTTERLY! We begin to find tiny postage stamp fragments and then: BOOM! Full-blown Catholic approved manuscripts. TA DA!!! Nothing suspicious there, eh?
Protestants completely revamped the Bible officially approved by the universal church fifteen hundred years after it was "sealed" as canon.
They reworked it and declared that ANYBODY with the aid of Holy Spirit can understand God's message!
Presto! Thousands of competing and disagreeable denominations sprang up like mushrooms after a spring rain!
Each person who desperately believes in Jesus has to rely on their imagination and a bogus hand-cranked piece of rhetorical gibberish called the Bible.
But, you are certainly entitled to your own opinion.
Look above at the large words I've blown up for emphasis. (In the Tammy quote.)
IF leads to THEN. Based on what? Rigging the vote by automatically ACCEPTING the whole concoction in the first place without a shred of evidence! If you begin believing something BEFORE you review the evidence it is called BIAS.
So, Tammy--in short, I say to you: BAH HUMBUG!