Cross or Stake, which is biblically true??

by butalbee 60 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • idaho

    hi butalbee

    There is no doubt that the cross was used. There is 100s of
    ossuaries (stone coffins) found in Israel reveiling the common usage of the cross. Names of the deceased and symbols of a cross were
    often scratched (engraved) on these ossuaries. Quite a few persons
    mentioned in the NT are also found. This information has been
    known for years and it's against better knowledge that the Watchtower
    hasn't dared to acknowledge these facts.

    There are many articles concerning these matters at;

    Take at look under several issues under "past issues" - such as the page mentioned below.

    I hope this will answer your question

    Inkululeko - freedom!

  • plmkrzy


    Are you going to start wearing a cross?

  • seedy3

    A couple of points that also need to be brought out.

    One is the physics of dieing on a cross as opposed to a straight up stake. Now according to the bible, Jesus, was on this torture "whatever" for quite a few hours, alive and talking to his fellow condemed neighbor. A study had been done in recient times about the usage of a stake and what would happen if a condemed had been exicuted this way. It showed that he would only have been alive for a few minuites (something under a half hour) he would have suffocated in a very short time. As opposed to being nailed to a cross member, he would have survived for hours, and in some cases they say even a day or so. In the usage of a cross, he would not have actually died from suffocation, but from shock and exposure, which take much longer to kill then not being able to breath.

    Another point is stricly linguistic. I have thought about this much and I know the languages of English and Ancient Greek are very dissimular, but still I do think on "our" usage of the words for pole, post and stake. Even today we tend to streach out the meaning of the words, We have Clothesline "POSTS", Telephone and Power "POLES" all can and most do have a cross memeber on them. So it seems also to reason that they as well could have used a simular reference for such an item. Granted that is stricly specualtion, but it's fun to think about LOL.


  • plmkrzy

    If Jesus had lived and died in our day, note that some believe he will and are still waiting for him, He would more than likely not
    die in that manor cross or steak or pole or clothesline. He would quite possibly get the electric chair and then what? Everyone would throw out their cross's and start wearing little electric chairs around their necks? Sheeesh stop obsessing over a bunch of sticks! Don't get huffy.

  • hippikon

    Who Cares! Even for a christian (which I am not) isn't the point that he died.

  • seedy3

    Hmmm Steak, now isn't that what Momma Cass died from??

  • hippikon
    Hmmm Steak, now isn't that what Momma Cass died from??

    And I thought it was a ham sandwich

  • ARoarer

    It Just occured to me that the Watchtower has totally dishonored Jesus with it's teachings about him. They do everything that is opposite of what is Christian teaching about him as the Christ of the Bible. They don't honor his birth, rather treat it as unimportant to be ignored, but celebrate that he was murdered. They instill fear in the message of the kingdom which he preached as "Good News", yet the JW message is really "Bad News" for mankind, with out hope or forgiveness, just destruction. They teach that the GB is the channel or mediator to be worshipped and obeyed over Christ's teachings. They teach that mankind in is not to partake of the bread & wine symbolizing Christ, only a select few of JW's while each year the bread and wine is "passed by" each person. In actuality they teach you to "reject" it by not partaking of it. They teach that you must ignore the day he was resurrected. They've gone beyond his teaching of forgivness as he applied with the adulteress who was going to be stoned. He told her to be on her way. He did not meet with the other apostles in a committee to have 2 witnesses to hear all the details of her sin, but met with her alone and told her to go and live. The JW's laws would have put her to death. The teaching that Christ is just an angel like Satan is an angel is another dishonoring teaching. I would say that the teachings of Jehovah's Witnesses are anti-Christian. Maybe they make up what is considered the "Man of Lawlessness" and "Anti-Christ", because just like Satan, they want mankind to be destroyed, whearas Christ and his teachings are for mankind to live in his kingdom. In reality it seems like the Watchtower Society is rather Sataninc in it's teachings and view of Christ.

  • plmkrzy

    Hmmm Steak, now isn't that what Momma Cass died from??

    And I thought it was a ham sandwich

    I second the ham sandwich, thats what I hears to.

  • plmkrzy


    'They don't honor his birth, rather treat it as unimportant to be ignored, but celebrate that he was murdered."

    Thats certainly one way to look at it but in all fairness the whole purpose for Jesus comming to earth and being born and dieing in that manor was to free Jews from having to continue to sacrifice living animals to God. When Jesus died for our sins that free'd the Jews from having to continue that any longer and at that time Jesus told his deciples to invite all people Jew or Non Jew anyone who wanted to listen to be a part of remembering him, why he came and why he died and given the choice to accept him as their personal savior Thats where Christianity came from. Anyone who does not celebrate this day of passover LIKE Jesus asked us to do, rejects him.
    It is only to obvious from any Bible written in any language that Jesus himself placed no importance on his birth day. Otherwise the date would be in the Bible so as not to get it mixed up with someone elses birthday. I'm sure if Jesus wanted us to celebrate his birthday he would have made sure that we got the date right. SHeeeesh.
    That is entierly 100% the idea of people. We are the only creatures on earth that feel a need to recognize the day we first burp'd.
    All important dates to remember are RECORDED and all other dates are un-important, INCLUDING the dates the WTBTS publishes. But most people can't handle that. In regards to biblical accounts. They just can't handle that.
    "The proof is in the pudding."

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