History shows people were hung on stakes and crosses, why do the JW's make a big deal about the Cross? Isn't Jesus dying for the sins of man the issue? The Cross was a part of the JW's early on. The reason for his death and his death is the issue, not the instrument that was used to carry it out. Is this just another "control" tactic with them? A solidifying of the base? Why is it a big issue with them?
What is it with JW's and the Cross?
by FloridaPerry 33 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Hey there FP,
I'm thinkin' they use this tactic to stand out as being different.
they try to stand out as being more righteous than other religions
so they can say (brag) we do this and that, nobody else does
Is this just another "control" tactic with them? A solidifying of the base?
Stuff like this makes me wonder if the people at the top do actually realize it's about control, not just victims of victims.
Clinking glasses in a toast is bad- makes JW's feel out of place at a non-JW wedding reception.
Birthdays and holidays are bad- makes JW kids panic around their schoolmates and JW's all around want to avoid family at holidays.
The cross is bad- this one really does a number. All of 'Christendom' should be avoided almost as much as explosives. This makes any church function such as a wedding or funeral off limits to the average JW and it makes any person who has a cross seem Satanic rather than Christian. -
Until 1931 (12 years after the so-called inspection by Christ), the cross was on the cover of the WT.
Bible Students even wore cross and crown pins. Not until 1936 did the light dawn on the WTS regarding the cross. So what info became available between 1916 and 1936 that was not available to the Bible Students?
*** jv chap. 14 p. 200 "They Are No Part of the World" ***For years, Bible Students wore a cross and crown as a badge of identification, and this symbol was on the front cover of the "Watch Tower" from 1891 to 1931. But in 1928 it was emphasized that not a decorative symbol but one’s activity as a witness showed he was a Christian. In 1936 it was pointed out that the evidence indicates that Christ died on a stake, not a two-beamed cross
OUTLAW- you are an artistic savant.
You know if the Pope said Brown then Rutherford and Franz said Orange, they were just that contrarian and it fed people's prejudices and need to feel superior.
Hey we got dupped
The Watchtower's babbling on about the cross vs stake is a distraction from the real issue: God's application of Grace to fallen mankind. In JW world Grace as most Christians know it doesn't exist. If they can talk about HOW Jesus died, they can dodge talking about what his death really means.
I have a copy of the 1946 and 1952 wt book "let god be true" in both books IT SAYS JESUS DIED ON A CROSS. So when the wt says they changed it in 1936 they are LYING or were flip flopping for decades . the city of pompei was destroyed in 79 a.d. by a volcano only 46 years after the death of christ. The city was buried in ash for 1900 years, when they dug it out in the last 100 years every thing was preserved perfectly one of the things they found was a cross on a wall with the name of jesus .
Short answer: Fredrick Franz read Alexander Hislop and liked it.
Rutherford hated the cross because he was a vampire.