I have always been into self-help, have several websites devoted to it ( http://www.empowerthespirit.com), and even wrote a book on it.
Now I'm getting my Board Certified Master of Clinical Hypnotherapy certification, and I'm excited!
I went to a hypnotherapist in the past, and found it helpful. I started looking in to it last week and found an excellent place to get my certification, http://www.hypnosiseducation.com/.
Now, you are not going to believe this! When I called to get info, I spoke with the founder, Dr. Brady, and found out He is an ex-JW!!! I about fell over!
His office is located about 3 hours from me, near Orlando, Florida, so Thursday I drove over to pick up my course materials and met him. We had a great conversation. He was a JW for about 3 years during the late '70's in New Hampshire.
Anyway, I want to use hypnotherapy to continue helping people overcome self-limiting mindsets and behaviors. There are so many applications in Hypnotherapy, like stress reduction, weight loss, stop smoking, and even help recovering from the WTS mind-rape.
I'll let you know how things go!
"The World is my country, and to do good, my religion." --Thomas Paine
TruthQuest: http://beam.to/truthquest
Who Am I? -How to Reinvent Yourself After Leaving the WTS