Thanks for sharing SIAM, very interesting read...
Concerning Higher Education, here is a "worldy" person's perspective that is quite funny
by XBEHERE 104 Replies latest jw friends
Thanks for sharing SIAM, very interesting read...
Concerning Higher Education, here is a "worldy" person's perspective that is quite funny
The unemployment rate for people with a bachelor’s degree or high is only 4.5%, which is around where economists believe structural unemployment should be.
The specific numbers for unemployment rate (based on July 2010 BLS data) are:
There was something on NPR this morning talking about those with a high school diploma are becoming less religious and those with college educations becoming more evangelical.
Did anyone else catch this?
the base to sustain their power/prestige is the uneducated and poor. they rake in millions per week off the poor when you consider the numbers game.
heard a talk yrs. ago if the avg. poor member donates $1.00 per day (an estimate) that's six/seven million a day, and the contributions from the very few wealthier members being minimal in comparison. even a buck a week from the poor adds up to 6-7 million a week and the wealthier contributions like icing on the cake.
they can't be too worried about a shortage of elders and members.
one elder indicated to me (i was talking about pentecostals and their strictness (no holidays, some) bla bla, and how successful their growth in the world is -- and he said that people like strict rules --- it's what they are looking for --- omigawd!!!
You got to see it from gb point of veiw---let's see now, I don't pay taxes, don't pay electric, don't pay oil or gas, don't pay insurance, don't pay mortgage, don't pay rent, don't buy cars, don't pay for vacations, don't pay for doctors, don't pay for dentists, don't pay for eyeglasses, don't pay for food, I DO PAY for MY OWN TOOTHPASTE, all r&f needs to be just like us, what do they need a good education for anyway???????????
You got to see it from gb point of veiw---let's see now, I don't pay taxes, don't pay electric, don't pay oil or gas, don't pay insurance, don't pay mortgage, don't pay rent, don't buy cars, don't pay for vacations, don't pay for doctors, don't pay for dentists, don't pay for eyeglasses, don't pay for food, I DO PAY for MY OWN TOOTHPASTE, all r&f needs to be just like us, what do they need a good education for anyway???????????
Good post. They're a bunch of blood sucking moochers.
Behold, I will be with you until the end of the ages!
Ted Jaracz
On another thread someone asked if there were new Facebook rules.
This poster said her husband was at an all day MS meeting and came back with some not so pleasant things to say about FB, including that Satan works through it.
Can any of you guys that went share what was said in your meeting about Facebook?
I'm off to see if I can 'friend' Satan. I bet he's a hoot...
Facebook is the devil. They are concerned because so many families are using it to communicate with DFed family members thus undermining the DF arrangement. Also there have been BIG parties across several states/ districts that have resulted in JC meetings. Once the investigations begin, the kids go to facebook and everyone is tipped off that there is a witchhunt in progress. This makes the investigations very hard when a lot of people have the same knowledge.
Parents if possible should choose good health insurance for their families.
At the last circuit assembly I attended, the CO talked about people were "overly concerned" with health insurance. He stated, "Brothers, in the new system that is so close, we will all have perfect health."