Agreed, OUTLAW.
I notice, from my time here, that many 'born in' folk leave after 20-30-40 years as an adult. That is sad for me. My life was harsher because I left, but I was gone at 18. At least I *had* a life. haha, filled with pitfalls and much learning it was, but at least it was MY choices, and MY consequences. But, I digress...
I'm happy to see the exodus of the 'baby-boomer' generations of JWS (yeah, think of yourself as that, instead of the 1975 generation - "baby boomer" is a phrase that 'normalizes' your experience ,,,) and to tell the truth - our parents' generation was MORE susceptible to the JWS because of their WWII experience, fear of nuclear warfare,. etc., so we Boomers need to recognize that - it's part of our healing. Be happy and proud that YOU could recognize TTATT. xxoo
So, that strays a bit from the OP, but hoping it contributes to the dialogue.
t :sunglasses: