These are good people

by Retrovirus 100 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

    Fine, but that's a statement of belief, not a point in a debate. I'd understood that you were going to telling me why evolution is wrong.
    To continue you'd need to explain how retroviruses confirm intelligent design, and I'd be very interested in that.....RetroVirus

    This is going to be funny..

    A..She`s going to ignore that request..

    B..She`s going to do a quick read and make some shit up that sounds good to her..

    ...................... ...OUTLAW

  • SweetBabyCheezits

    Why do so many religious people with no formal education in any field of science (but especially biology, anthropology, etc) truly believe they can read a smattering of anti-evolution propaganda and be adequately qualified to discredit an entire community of educated individuals who have been professionals in their respective fields for years and decades?

    For those who feel that way, what makes you think you can argue with evolutionary scientists on their turf? Do you do this with other professionals in other fields? Ever sidle up to a well-known computer scientist and tell him that computability theory is flawed because you, a layman of average IQ, read an article about algorithms in Cosmo? No, I suspect that you trust he knows his field. After all, you participate in an online forum for exJWs only because people like him learned and practiced the scientific method, which allows them to develop cool technology. How much trust did you invest in the field of science when you purchased your last computer? Cell phone? TV? Camera? GPS unit? Ah, but computability theory doesn't conflict with your cherished subjective beliefs.

    Maybe if you don't have experience or education in the field, you should just disagree with evolution on the basis that it conflicts with your faith. That is your best argument: "I can't believe in evolution because that's not what the Bible teaches." Point made. Don't say out of one side of your mouth that talking snakes and virgin births are totally plausible but then from the other side say certain scientific theories don't make sense because [X propaganda].

    And I'm certainly not saying we shouldn't question "trusted authorities"... On the contrary, that's exactly what we should do. But the scientific arena is very much about exposing flaws in proposed theories. The method demands rigorous, consistent scrutiny. If you really felt you had something solid to bring to the table, do you think scientists would reject or ignore compelling evidence that the theory of evolution is fundamentally flawed? No. This isn't religion, and science isn't based on faith. If you had sufficient evidence,they would have to accept it and adjust their views accordingly, whether they individually wanted to or not.

  • SweetBabyCheezits
    Evolutionists cannot claim superiority to religion since their belief system clearly requires leaps of faith too and acceptance of continuous refinement.

    Science MUST allow for continuous refinement. The difference is scientists don't claim to have any direction or support from an omnigod who already has the answers.



    I`ve seen "debator /Reniaa" argue about Ancient Greek Language..With people who are educated in Ancient Greek Language..

    Lack of education has never stopped her from making a fool of herself..

    Reniaa has a WBT$ Education..

    Equivalent to a self taught Brain Surgeon,with a Degree in Noodle-Oledgy..

    ...................... ...OUTLAW

  • just n from bethel
    just n from bethel

    Hey SBC - what's up bro? You can't really blame JWs for trying to play with others that are just way out of their league.

    First, they are told that the Awake and Insight books exceed the education of a 4 year university degree. (Although, funny story, one time in college I was trying to use Awake as a reference for something I was researching. The professor totally schooled me, and told me not to ever use religous pamplets as a credible reference. She said I could rewrite the report to be re-graded using peer-reviewed scholarly references or take a D- as a grade. I ditched the CD rom and decided to use real research from there on out. But, I caught one or two fellow students not only using the WT publications for their papers - but plagerizing them word for word - without citing any references. I called a few out on this too, told them that cheating by plagerizing from WT pubs is an interesting way to give a Witness.)

    Second - you have these committees like HLC that go to a seminar where an anesthesiolgist gives a 20 min. presentation. So all the sudden that makes these guys experts. They have no medical training whatsoever, but because they go to a seminar here and there, they think they're equipped to handle discussions on a professional level. Of course, most of these guys don't even know CPR - and they're supposed to give us the final guidance in medical life threatening emergencies?? So yeah - debator/reniaa is a good representation of the arrogance that the religion teaches it's adherents.

    She, like most JWs, (she's more "brazen" though in that she doesn't believe rules about association/debating with apostates apply to her) has no idea what she is talking about. She's never had any education in anything she discusses, yet thanks to her religion, thinks she has all the answers. Yep who needs college - when you got Awake?

  • darthfader

    Well stated SBC...

  • jay88

    SBC and JNFB good stuff!

  • Retrovirus

    SBC, JNFB and Outlaw, thanks for your comments.

    This is what I find hardest to understand about JWs; the utter confidence that they can refute any point a "worldly" makes from the Bible and their literature. All of a respected scientific theory can be utterly demolished in a 35 page brochure with a primary school vocabulary. All we worldlies need to do is keep an open mind and learn. . .

    And yet.

    They must witness in pairs or more, they cannot look at an "apostate" book or website, their beliefs need to be reinforced by hours of meetings and days of conventions.

    Their faith must be very flimsy to need so much protection.


  • Retrovirus

    Outlaw says

    This is going to be funny..

    A..She`s going to ignore that request..

    B..She`s going to do a quick read and make some shit up that sounds good to her..

    I'm betting on "A". The WT dissinformation ignores viruses, let alone retroviruses, and for good reason!


  • mouthy

    OUTLAW!!!! You know where to go!!!!No toilets allowed in this place

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