Like most theories I expect it will disprove itself.
Are you being serious, or are you just plain dense? Most theories disprove themselves? Can you name some for us?
You talk of cognitive dissonance when you own defence of the ever-changing evolution theory smacks of it?
(I thank you for correcting my typo, without even pointing it out.) I am open to any change in what I believe, even to the individual beliefs of the Watchtower, so long as it is backed by observable, preferably measurable, evidence. This is the opposite of cognitive dissonance. You will not change your beliefs regardless of what is presented as observable and measurable evidence. In fact, when confronted with such evidence your beliefs are not weakened but actually strengthened. This is classic cognitive dissonance. Not everything the Watchtower teaches is false, but the key is to separate the wheat from the chaff. Lots of chaff in the Watchtower.
against the reality of what the bible actually teaches
It is your absolute, unquestioning belief in the WTBTS interpretation of the bible that is the reason you are so blind to truth. It is almost sad.
If you had no hate towards Jehovah's witnesses why are you trying to stop your family being Jehovah's witnesses? If your desire is to stop them being Jehovah's witnesses how can you say you don't hate Jehovah's witnesses? It like saying "I don't hate doctors" but refusing to let them practise as doctors or actually be doctors. If there then are no doctors you have succeeded in wiping them out even if the humans that used to be them still exist.
Spurious, infantile argument. Doctors are individuals within the medical community but not all doctors think universally the same way. You are not the Organisation, you are a cog within it. You as a person are synonymous with the Organisation inasmuch as it tells you how to think. I know no single Jehovah's Witness who I have strong negative emotions toward. There are some, the recently convicted pedophiles in particular, I might be able to hate if I knew them.
Majority belief has consistently throughout the centuries proven to be no measure of truthfulness.
And absolute, unchanging belief by a majority is the corollory truth to your statement. There are subversive elements already within the Watchtower. People who are working at getting the policy on blood changed. There are also people who don't want to be in it but have no choice. They can't leave because if they do they will lose their families, their friendships, their social safety nets, sometimes their jobs and livlihoods and their inheritance. But the rest, the majority, all think the same way. Are you aware of this stuff, debator? Or do you think it's all bogus?
You didn't answer the question - who is your Mediator? Is it Jesus Christ or the Governing Body?