Being a JW Kid

by Scully 39 Replies latest jw friends

  • Scully


    In my case, it was almost always the other way around. Being on such a short leash, as you said, made it nearly impossible to have friends, much less boyfriends.

    We had one phone, that was on the wall between the kitchen and living room. If I received or made calls, my side of the conversation was always monitored. I was allowed to babysit for neighbours and other JWs, and on those occasions, it felt so great to be able to have a 'normal' conversation on the phone with someone without having to be careful about what you talked about. Mind you, it was never "bad", just what teenagers want to talk about.... clothes, school, which guy you thought was cute, etc. I was too naive to know about phone sex and stuff like that, but my parents were convinced that if they left me alone for two seconds, I'd be swearing and doing drugs and having orgies and bringing other assorted reproaches on Jehovah.

    Anyway, the short leash (or choke chain if you will) just kept other kids away. I know that I purposely avoided becoming close friends with anyone because I was mortified of having them 'interrogated' by my parents.

    When I was 17 or 18, a friend of the family introduced her brother to me. He was several years older and was interested in getting married. I was not the least bit interested in him. Not that I have anything against sheep farmers (yes, really!) per se, it's just not the lifestyle I wanted. It's kind of funny how the friend felt I would have been such a great prize catch for her brother, but she didn't feel that it mattered that I deserved someone at least compatible to me.

    The teen years were horrible. I couldn't wait to move out on my own.

    Love, Scully

    It is not persecution for an informed person
    to expose a certain religion as being false.
    - WT 11/15/63

    A religion that teaches lies cannot be true. - WT 12/1/91

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    Oh gosh Scully I can sooo relate to your "choke chain" - think my mom had one too although it never seemed to work on my brothers - they got to run free.

    Funny thing is that they always got into trouble - with other kids - the police - at school. I never got into trouble - with anyone - too afraid of my own shadow but I was the one with the choke chain.. I can relate too with the public phone and lack of privacy. Since the only kids I babysat were my siblings I never got the opportunity to have the occasional phone chat.

    Must have been all that WT indoctrination that made them think we were so anxious to be wicked

    Rejoice in the healing and not in the pain.
    Rejoice in the challenge overcome and not in the past hurts.
    Rejoice in the present - full of love and joy.
    Rejoice in the future for it is filled with new horizons yet to be explored. - Lee Marsh 2002

  • terafera

    Lee! Your story brought tears to my eyes!! What a sad story.. what a waste of 15 years!! I'm so sorry for you...

    That was the most important decision of your life and your mother made it! Then told you to stick with your decision..

    I dont know how you have such a great attitude.. what a horrible thing to have happened!!

  • JanH

    JehovahKid(tm): $49.95
    An excellent offer to teachers who want a more varied group of pupils in their classes. Jehovah Kid(tm) is always entertaining for his fellow pupils. This model is preprogrammed to only say "I can't do that, because I am one of Jehovah's Witnesses." Jehovah Kid is the natural mob victim in the class. Around Christmas time everybody can join in laughing at Jehovah Kid when he's not allowed to open xmas presents, bake xmas cookies, open the xmas calendar, etc. Jehovah Kid also comes with an optional extra: Jehovah Family(tm), for only $69,95. Lots of hours of fun for big and small, when Jehovah Family(tm) runs around in the neighbourhood spreading the preprogrammed gospel. Comes with a free two year Watchtower(tm) subscription

    (Translated from )

    - Jan
    The believer is happy. The doubter is wise.

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    terafera - the good news is "I survived" and the best revenge is that I have learned to live well.... and happy... just met a wonderful man and we got married last August - my choice this time and a good one :)

    and the 15 years was not a total waste - I have two beautiful daughters (both out of the borg) and now a wonderful grand-daughter (never ever even exposed to the borg):):):)

    Rejoice in the healing and not in the pain.
    Rejoice in the challenge overcome and not in the past hurts.
    Rejoice in the present - full of love and joy.
    Rejoice in the future for it is filled with new horizons yet to be explored. - Lee Marsh 2002

  • terafera

    Lee, I'm so happy for you.. what a great attitude you have. Those are 2 lucky girls, plus your granddaughter, to have a mom like you!

    Jan, LMBO .. where'd you get that? Too funny!

  • clarity

    Bringing back Scully's post of these wonderful but sad and sometimes shocking true stories.

    My own children went through some of this ... forgive me. At the time it was thought to be 'good for you.'

    Not only do jw's not encourage and support higher education, the little that the kids do get, is marred and hindered by all the stress they are put through by the watchtower society!!

    This crap is still going on ... it should be against the law!


  • exwhyzee

    You're right Scully, I hadn't thought of it in that light before....JW kids are especially victimized by all the oddities of this religion. Adult victims of this religion at least have a larger frame of reference from which to draw from and are able to side step all the stuff that doesn't add up when put in practice in the real world. The thing is, JW kids grow up to be JW adults who never really quite get over having had much of the shine and sparkle rubbed off their young lives by having lived with a constant expectation of a cataclysmic that never materialized. The only thing they can do is make sure the same thing doesn't happen to their own kids....even if they choose to stay in.

    this teacher would pull me to my feet by the hair on the back of my neck. My parents never did anything to intervene, saying that it was 'persecution' and we should

    be glad about it.

    Your parents were wrong not to have come to your rescue in this....makes my blood boil to think about someone doing that to a child.

    Wouldn't you love to confront that teacher as the adult you are now?

  • chase

    yeah, it sucked. imagine being hardcore j dub and homeschooled. i am still weirder out in public.

  • chase

    weirded not weirder

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