Umbrellas are undoubtedly pagan. They have also been used as weapons.
Worse that this, umbrellas have been used to promote loose conduct.
ARTIST: The Hollies
TITLE: Bus Stop
Bus stop, wet day, she's there I say
Please share my umbrella
Bus stop, bus go, she stays love grows
Under my umbrella
All that summer we enjoyed it
Wind and rain and shine
That umbrella we employed it
By August she was mine.
And what about Rihanna’s Umbrella song which is all about the Devil?
"The first thing that you need to know about the song’s lyrics is that Rihanna sings the whole song but she actually takes on two roles. During the first half of the song, she plays the role of an evil entity that is trying to seduce and possess Rihanna. For the purpose of this analysis we’ll call this entity the Devil. The second role she plays is herself. So the song is basically a dialog between the Devil and Rihanna." (From the web)
I have burnt my umbrella already. All Jehovah's Witnesses should do the same if they want to remain pure in Jehovah's eyes.