Ok. Let's have some comments on this pic from march 15 wt
by therevealer 60 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
The guy with the mike is like, they said I'd be an elder by now, but nooo. still doing this stupid mike.
The woman in the middle is "like she totally bought that" what a dummy.
It probably is an inside joke...
evidently some lesser developed territories still use mics like that......
I am going with insider joke....blast from the past thing!
the middle sister with light blue dress is thinking about something else.
The guy in the back is like, who said that, that is so not the right thought.
I would like to comment that I find all of them very disturbingly 'weak'!
Do any of you see one highlighted word, any underlining or notations in the margins......NOPE!
Poor study habits indeed!
Why is everybody smiling? Have you ever seen that many people smiling like that during the meeting, ever? It's kinda creepy.
It would be better if it was a live picture!
Ah the pointless jobs they assign people to do.
Why does he have to stand there holding a mic on a stick? She can't hold a mic herself while she comments?
And he's not supposed to look at her. (Yeah that's intentional, it's not just a weird picture, they INTENDED for him to not be paying attentiont to where he holds that mic. Makes you wonder how they're supposed to avoid smacking someone in the face if they can't look at them.
At the last assembly they had a designated area for the baptismal victims to sit. They had TWO brothers STANDING there for literally over 30 minutes before the assembly started holding signs that said: "Reserved for baptismal candidates"
They could have been replaced with a piece of tape.
And then an elder approached me, I'm neither an elder nor a servant, and asked me to volunteer to help do something because, and I quote: "We're shorthanded and need all the help we can get." No clue what he wanted me to do, probably hold a third sign or hold a door open.
If you're short on people I have some suggestions that will give you about 15 extra guys.
1: Tape a sign to the reserved seats, saving 2 brothers from holding signs.
2: Set a deck of programs on a table with a sign (not held by a brother) that says: "please take one" That'll save a brother from handing them out at every entrance
3: Use a door stop. There is no reason for you to have a guy holding open INTERIOR doors for people to walk through. -
Okay...Friday night...mic at waist level...phallic symbol?