The stupid current Governing Body

by possible-san 16 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • possible-san

    In my forum, an active Japanese JW (my friend) taught me what he studied in the meeting recently.
    That is the meeting on Sunday (12/19) a few days ago.

    In the material they studied on that day, it is written like this.

    "The Greek word translated “honor” in the Bible conveys the sense of esteem, value, preciousness. (Luke 14:10)
    Yes, those we honor are precious, valuable to us."

    (The Watchtower, October 15, 2010. p.16 par.3)

    Probably this is citation from the book "Insight"or a past Watchtower.

    *** w91 2/1 p. 10 par. 3 Honor Jehovah—Why and How? ***
    The Greek word translated “honor” in the Bible is ti·me′, and it too conveys the sense of esteem, value, preciousness.

    Well, it is regrettable for them/GB, the Greek word used in Luke 14:10 is not "ti·me′."
    Rather, the Greek word used in there is "doxa."

    The current Governing Body did not investigate the "KIT" but they wrote the "random/irresponsible" article.


  • 3Mozzies

    You are correct Possible san

    Nice find, shows how little the holy spirit is working at bethel (HS must of gone on holidays) lol

    BTW: τιμη' ( ti·me′) is honour in modern Greek.


  • the-illuminator81

    All those freeloading idiots in brooklyn can't even break out a KIT to see if the shit they came up with is valid. What a bunch of dweebs.

  • wobble

    Of course they have always been sloppy, but I wonder if the writing boys are getting as tired as the R&F Dubs, or is it a huge arrogance ?

    "Oh, nobody questions what we write, we can give them any old crap, and they gobble it down" , or perhaps a bit of both ?

  • Mad Sweeney
    Mad Sweeney

    The smart ones (like the Andersons) leave.

  • sabastious

    This is kind of a "rookie mistake." Weird to come from people supposedly "so passionate" about this subject that they will devote their lives to the writing department with no pay.

    Then they just blow it?

    Odd scanario.


  • slimboyfat

    They did the same thing mixing up the words for temple remember.

  • Room 215
    Room 215

    It appears that in the WT just studied, there's no mention of the actual Greek word. The error, then, is in the 1992 WT, not the 10/15/2010 issue.

  • sd-7
    It appears that in the WT just studied, there's no mention of the actual Greek word. The error, then, is in the 1992 WT, not the 10/15/2010 issue.

    Well, failing to fact-check the 1992 WT IS another error in itself. As a numbers man, I know what happens when you cut and paste instead of double-checking your work. And it doesn't turn out well, believe me. One error becomes two, and it snowballs every time you do that.


  • poopsiecakes

    Yeah...they've messed up the translation for 'greeting' as well when applying it to how df'd individuals should be treated.

    And it takes A YEAR to prepare these magazines? good grief...

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