In my forum, an active Japanese JW (my friend) taught me what he studied in the meeting recently.
That is the meeting on Sunday (12/19) a few days ago.
In the material they studied on that day, it is written like this.
"The Greek word translated “honor” in the Bible conveys the sense of esteem, value, preciousness. (Luke 14:10)
Yes, those we honor are precious, valuable to us."
(The Watchtower, October 15, 2010. p.16 par.3)
Probably this is citation from the book "Insight"or a past Watchtower.
*** w91 2/1 p. 10 par. 3 Honor Jehovah—Why and How? ***
The Greek word translated “honor” in the Bible is ti·me′, and it too conveys the sense of esteem, value, preciousness.
Well, it is regrettable for them/GB, the Greek word used in Luke 14:10 is not "ti·me′."
Rather, the Greek word used in there is "doxa."
The current Governing Body did not investigate the "KIT" but they wrote the "random/irresponsible" article.