The stupid current Governing Body

by possible-san 16 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • the-illuminator81

    One error becomes two, and it snowballs every time you do that.

    Before you know it, it snowballs into an organized religion.

  • nancy drew
    nancy drew

    These guys are dangerously stupid

    acting as if they are the voice of the creator of all that is and everyone that doesn't listen to them will die and their excuse is " we don't know why we were told to print that false prophecy the creator must have a good reason for having us preach a lie it's not our fault we're just obeying the creator"

    they play the squirrel crossing the road game

  • JustHuman14

    Being Hellinas I really laugh the GB's translations of the Hellenic language. Those guys are dangerous, specially when they twist the meaning of the Hellenic words to fit their stupid doctrines....

  • Earnest

    The word doxa (Luke 14:10) has several meanings in the New Testament. The Theological Dictionary of the New Testament, Volume II, p.237 states:

    The meaning b., "repute" or "honour" is still found : you will have honour in front of all, Luke 14:10; but if a woman has long hair it is an honour to her, 1 Corinthians 11:15 (opp. dishonour, v.14; cf. 2 Corinthians 6:8); have we been seeking honour from men, 1 Thessalonians 2:6, also Ephesians 3:13, 1 Thessalonians 2:20, Philippians 3:19 etc.

    However, it is mainly used in reference to the glory of God with the combined meanings of divine honour, splendour, power and radiance.

    But as regards the derivation of the meaning of "honour" the same dictionary says (p.234)

    the objective sense is mostly used favourably for "reputation" or "renown"...In this sense doxa, with the Homeric kleos and later time, achieves central significance for the Greeks. Supreme and ideal worth is summed up in the term. A man's worth is measured by his repute.

    So when doxa is used in this sense, as it is in Luke 14:10, it has the same meaning as the Greek word time. Whether or not the writer of the article referred to by possible-san realised this or if it was simply intuitive I have no way of knowing, but the two articles referred to are not inconsistent as they are talking about two words with the same meaning.

  • mouthy

    Happy Christmas Earnest !!!! Still taking in the KNOWLEDGE at the kingdom Hall. ?

    Say Hi to all my friends in the congregation especially Rita!!!!

  • possible-san

    Earnest, who is an active Jehovah's Witness.

    Thank you for your comment investigated carefully.

    Probably, you may be investigating carefully than the current Governing Body. LOL
    Moreover, they/GB do not show a "source."

    Well, the answer of you with regard to this topic was tardy.
    In this thread that already became the past, I will not reply to you.

    However, I would tell you what I had said in my forum.
    I said like this. (in Japanese)

    "I think that those two Greek words are probably "exchangeable words" (the meaning is alike), if you look the "LXX" and the "Hebrew New Testament."

    However, in that "Watchtower" you studied the other day, the sentence "The Greek word translated "honor"...blah, blah, blah" means "ti·me" clearly.
    In the part explaining the meaning of a Greek word "ti·me", they are referring to the Scripture which is using "doxa."


  • JRK

    The GB has delegated this shit to the underlings of the Writing Department. They just sign off without reading it..


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