I'm inclined to agree with Blues Brother. If you're a baptized JW and this is your congregation and these are your elders and holiday decorations are a serious offense(?) then the situation appears to be pretty cut and dried
Got "THE letter" ....how to proceed?
by 2pink 41 Replies latest jw friends
This is to be expected if ones put out holiday decorations. This is why many 'move' from that immediate congregation territory in order to move on in their lives a bit yet to avoid official DFing. Sad that ones have to move to have their freedom and not be DF'd officially, but the reality.
I remember years ago being approached by an elder to set up a meeting and I just said "no" never went back never heard from them or anyone again. I ended up moving out of town but no action was taken, I think they just didn't know what to do when someone said simply "No" Next time don't open or accept any mail just have it returned unopened.
IMHO, I'd ignore it and wouldn't read any of their correspondence. If anyone ever asks if your disfellowshipped I'd say 'no'. If you get disfellowshipped in absentia but don't know about it, big whoop. You could move forward with your life without even knowing it happened.
Good luck.
Marking for later. I'm just waiting for "the letter". 2 JW's & one elder have come into my office & saw my Christmas tree. I'm the only one who works in the office, lol, so they know it was me who put it up
"If you quit your job and went on with your life, and then months/years later you got a letter from your old employer summoning you to the office because they don't like something you're doing now, how would you react? Probably, you'd just have a good laugh at their expense, and rightly so, because that's ridiculous. ..."
Elgiard, GREAT point!!!
I also agree with you - responding - in ANY way - to that letter, would let the elders know that one is willing to continue playing the WATCHTOWER game according to the Watchtower rules...
And as Jamie Bowers said, there's a good legal letter or three out there, that tend to stop the Watchtower Society's kangaroo court[s] in their tracks...
If you really just want to fade, then LISTEN TO UNDERCOVER - he's one of the most successful 'faders' on-board, imo...
On the other hand, I agree with Soldier77 - if you put out decorations, then that's like waving a red flag asking for a Judicial Committee...
Either way you go, I wish you the best of results for your long-term freedom and mental peace of mind...
Aw, AWSnap!!!!
If that happens, I'LL be your friend!!!
If you quit your job and went on with your life, and then months/years later you got a letter from your old employer summoning you to the office because they don't like something you're doing now, how would you react? Probably, you'd just have a good laugh at their expense, and rightly so, because that's ridiculous.
I've used very much the same analogy--it's like getting kicked out of Little League when you're an adult.
They have no power over you at all.
"You have no power here!"
Don't assume that non cooperation will prevent action being taken. This just is no longer the case new rules means they can and do proceed whether they have your consent or not. If the decorations were on display then they really don't need you there to DF.
Our letters were hand delivered with the incorrect address. I neither opened them or read them but I know that I am Df'd.