Can someone provide a picture of the article that talks about this? Would love to share this with one remaining family member... thanks!
What is this overlapping generation crap?
by sinis 19 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Just what you called it, crap!!!
The Watchtower (Study Edition), April 15th, 2010 Issue, Pages 27-29:
"This magazine has long been used by “the faithful and discreet slave” as the primary channel for dispensing increased light. ... What does this explanation mean to us? Although we cannot measure the exact length of “this generation,” we do well to keep in mind several things about the word “generation”: It usually refers to people of varying ages whose lives overlap during a particular time period; it is not excessively long; and it has an end. (Ex. 1:6) How, then, are we to understand Jesus’ words about “this generation”? He evidently meant that the lives of the anointed who were on hand when the sign began to become evident in 1914 would overlap with the lives of other anointed ones who would see the start of the great tribulation. That generation had a beginning, and it surely will have an end. The fulfillment of the various features of the sign clearly indicate that the tribulation must be near. By maintaining your sense of urgency and keeping on the watch, you show that you are keeping up with advancing light and following the leadings of holy spirit.—Mark 13:37."***************************************************************************
No JWs can explain this any further, not even circuit overseers.
A hundred years from now...
Householder to JW - "Did you know that your society used to teach that they knew when the end would come? That Jesus returned in 1914, invisibly, and that Armageddon would occur before that generation died, and then before the generation that overlapped with that generation died--"
JW to Household - chuckles - "No, no, no... well, some member of the society were a bit silly back then, running ahead, thinking they could predict such things... but of course new light came, and we now know that NO ONE can predict such a thing. It is only for God to know."
Householder - "Um... new light, meaning the scriptures in the bible that always said that No one knows that day or hour, not the angels in heaven and not even the Son?"
JW turns a bit red - "As I said, some ran ahead... the society needed to be cleansed and taught submission... well... um, yeah."
(sorry, but when I think about this, I remember one of the women coming to help study with me chuckling that Russel used to wear a cross... still had some learning to do)
What is this overlapping generation crap?
Just some maligning bullshit the WTS had to come up with to cover up some previous bullshit.
There has been quite few questions forwarded to the WTS. about why nothing has happened
in the last century starting from and since 1914 , so they had to come up with something.
Its just a religious cult selling coercive lies (BS) to the public to attract people who get further exploited for free labor
and financial support.
Here's a recent thread topic about the new generation doctrine where even a couple of devout JWS try aimlessly and were unsuccessful
in supporting this disingenuous newly revised doctrine.
The real shit will hit the fan when anyone born around 1914 die off completely after lets say 2014 (100 years)
You can expect that the WTS will initiate a directive that any of their books or literature with anything related to 1914
should be taken off the shelfs of all Kingdom Hall librarys and disposed of..... quietly and discreetly of course
Now no one on the GB were alive in 1914. Hence they have to explain why Armageddon has not arrive yet, why most of the GB members are in their 50's, and why the generation that Jesus spoke of has not passed away. The GB therefore came up with this crazy explanation of the generation to explain these things.
Religious organizations like this one rarely take responsibility for things they have said or done in the past.
The reason being that it dilutes the outward impressible image they they are the trying to establish themselves upon.
God's one and only solely guided organization here on earth......and so on
The WTS has for the longest time thrown mud on to other Christian based faiths, calling them vexations of Satan.
At the same time strenuously shinning and polishing up their own religion.
The analogy of a used car salesman demeaning the other used car sales lot across the street could be used in comparison.
Thanks! Yea, that article is crap, and a way to push this into infinity...