Yes, search for "Preparing for Child Custody Cases" in quotes. Links to download the brochure are up and active, I just got it.
YouTube - Elder lies about shunning and custody packet
by Soldier77 32 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Wow thanks for the link Mythbuster. alamb, I'm so sorry you went through this.
The abuse is sick sick sick!
That is really interesting and pretty funny that the judge had a copy on his desk. The elder is pretty convincing. Wonder if he had alot of practice?
wannabefree, he may feel he can hide the truth, but what he said is a direct lie.
Watchtower 1981 September 15 p.22 ""disfellowshiping" is what Jehovah?s Witnesses appropriately call the expelling and subsequent shunning of such an unrepentant wrongdoer."
I wonder if this elder realizes what an idiot he is? I mean he's all over the internet lying outright for all to see... great witness on his part for the world to see how the WTS trains their grunts.
What is this case even about? I dont' remember when this first surfaced so can anyone enlighten me?
"Elder states that JW's do NOT shun:"
No. That is not what he says. He says "we do not use the term "shunning". They are very clever with their "trick wording". It's as twisted as their minds.
This is a video from my custody/divorce hearing where we were arguing that giving custody to a JW would alienate the children from the non-JW parent. The judge did have a copy of the custody brochure on his desk so he saw the lies. And a former elder also testified before this that he did know of the packet.
Long story short: I won custody. My ex went to the state and claimed religious prejudice. The judge chickened out and gave him the kids. But many court cases have used this video to show alienation and spiritual warfare. They won their cases.
And yes, I'd like to mail him a thank you card for showing theocratic war strategy in action.
Ruling by the court:
Custody Case 1997-2005 USA
"Mr. M shall not directly or indirectly expose or allow the children to be exposed to shunning of their mother, or to engage in any family contacts or religious activities that directly or indirectly suggest or expose them to teachings, scriptural interpretations or declarations that Mrs. M is anything less than a good and honorable person and fully worthy of designated, implied, inferred, promised, reserved, assumed, or otherwise available, obtainable or receivable, so called spiritual blessings or rewards which might be obtained or available to faithful religious persons, including faithful members of the JW church. This shall include his exposure of the children to family members, church teachers, preachers, or other advocates of the JW church or to any condemning doctrines or activities. Mr. M shall not have, suggest or cause any religious communications with the children, advise them regarding religion or direct or advise them regarding what their personal conduct or religious activities should be, or monitor their activities to determine if they are in compliance with his religious beliefs, while they are with Mrs. M.""The court believes this conduct negatively affecting the children's relationship with their mother should stop or be condemned. This church judgementalism, coupled with the malicious use of false accusations against their mother and her husband by their father, has nearly frightened these children away from their mother and her husband even though she is a sincere caring mother. Recognizing the children's concerns and fears, the Court ordered that Mr. M be granted custody of the children, at least for the past year. This was granted notwithstanding the terrible wrongs he has perpetrated against his ex-wife and her husband. (Defendant) is treated as spiritually dead by the JW church and the extended family who are members. This ridiculous concept of people judging others appears to be a strong part of the religious judgementalistic doctrine and is apparently required of the members of the church."