It just goes to show incredibly stupid we really looked... because we were. The guy fumbling over his words and asking "Is this from the apostate website"? Yeah, that looks REAL good 'n'front of the judge, m'kay?
YouTube - Elder lies about shunning and custody packet
by Soldier77 32 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
In hindsight, do not mention religious issues so the JW doesn't hide behind the first amendment. Simply mention parental alienation...let them claim it's religion. Nail...coffin.
I am curious what happened later on? Did your ex abide by this? I have some similar language but not nearly as specific and there are no sanctions for my ex, which I am fighting for since he does not abide....
You had one heck of a good judge and defense team!
Ya I had a good judge but he crumbled and didn't fight the religious thing.
My ex is in contempt of the whole order. The judge quit the case. We are sent to a mediator who says he has no power to enforce the order. Dead end. So I'm not a big fan of the justice system. I have since taken the course to become a CASA and got sworn in in October. This shouldn't happen.
Alamb: Ya I had a good judge but he crumbled and didn't fight the religious thing.
I like the way the court order was written up...the one you quoted on page 1. I thought it was well put.
Alamb: My ex is in contempt of the whole order. The judge quit the case.
I take back what I said. Seems the judge didn't have much starch in his convictions. A quitter, huh? Guess they can pick and choose what's convenient. Just like lawyers don't want to take cases they are doubtful they can win. Or will cost more than what their client can pay. Judge quits. Pfft. How convenient. No courage.
Alamb: We are sent to a mediator who says he has no power to enforce the order. Dead end.
So what good is any of these morons? They just keep a seat warm and get a gov. paycheck.
Alamb: So I'm not a big fan of the justice system.
The judicial system answers to the Crown Temple. And the pope actually has the authority to overrule any law.
Alamb: I have since taken the course to become a CASA and got sworn in in October. This shouldn't happen.
That's idealistic and noble, but you will still probably find your hands are tied when it comes right down to it.
Idealistic, I guess so. But I have access to people who make the changes. The people I am speaking with now have no idea this is going on and it is making a mockery of them. The Justice Department is also interested.
I can't sit back and do nothing. I won't.
mamalove: What's happening with your kids? with court?
Just remember that a lot of the DoJ people are graduates of Pat Robertson's "university". Where does that leave you?
I don't think he is lying in the first video. He's just such a doofus for doing whatever the "society" says and using their words that as long as the word "shunning" is not used when they mention the treatment of disfellowshipped people, he believes it must not apply. Cult mentality at it's worst.
I am not familiar with the context of this case. I hope they had some rebuttal on what "shunning" means and how it does apply to JW's.