Was It a Fig Tree From Which Eve and Adam Ate?

by snowbird 54 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • PSacramento



  • snowbird

    The Book of Jasher, chapter 3 is what I intended to write.

    Excuse me.


  • ShirleyW

    I don't recall a Bible book by the name of Jasher !

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    Fig sap is irritating to human skin, so fig leaves wasn't exactly the cleverest idea for hiding their uglies.

  • smiddy

    Who gives a fig.?

  • AGuest

    It would seem to me, dear Miz Snowbirdie (the greatest of love and peace to you, dear one!), that it couldn't have been a fig tree because apparently there was only one like it (they could eat from every tree of the garden EXCEPT that one. Why from other fig trees but not THAT fig tree). We eat figs today (even our Lord sought to eat from a fig tree, which denied him its fruit), so that would suggest that there were other fig trees. Or at least, our eyes should be open AND we should be like God, those of us who eat figs, today, right?

    Be all of that as it may, there is another reason why I believe it wasn't a fig tree... and that is because of the other notable Tree in the middle of that garden... the one from which they could eat... and live forever by so doing. That Tree... is Christ. He is the Tree of LIFE... the "True Vine"... "Root of Jesse"... "Sprout"... "Life." It is his flesh... the "leaves" of such Tree that he is... that is for "the 'curing' of the nations. He is the only "seed" planted by God, a gardner/cultivator... from which we can eat... and live forever. There is nothing... and no one else. So, it was from HIM that Adam and Eve would have been eating in order to live in the first place... and it was being cut off from HIM... that removed their ability to live forever.

    In that light, is it possible that the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Bad was ALSO not a plant/literal vegetation at all... but actually another person... another "one" from whose "fruit" Adam and Eve "ate"?

    Just something to think about, particularly since JAH was not the only "sower of 'seed'" in the earth.

    Again, the greatest of love and peace to you... and glad to see your post, dear one!

    Your servant, sister, and fellow slave of Christ,


    P.S. That they used fig leaves to cover their "nakedness" is true; however, my understanding as to what we assume to be their "nakedness"... is way inaccurate. No need to cover their genitals, per se, as their was nothing "wrong" with their fleshly bodies. They were TOLD to "be fruitful". They were trying to "cover" something else... something for which fig leaves couldn't suffice... and so they were given long garments... of skin.

  • Farkel


    :Was It a Fig Tree From Which Eve and Adam Ate?

    Boy! That one is "spiritually DEEP!" Let me sleep on it. I'm sure there is an answer somewhere.

    Ok. I got it. Before we can figure out the tree, we have to work backwards and decide if Adam and Eve were real or not. If they were not real, then the tree is not real.

    Usher says Adam and Eve were the first people on this planet about 6,000 years ago. The Bible says the same thing. The Watchtower Corporation says the same thing.

    Strangely enough, scientists says all those folks are off by just a tad. I mean a MILLION years + tad.

    Surely you can understand why I need to sleep and think about this DEEP spiritual matter when there is a little gap of say 999,994 years MINIMUM between scientific evidence and stories in an old book which features talking snakes and flaming chariots in the heavens to name a few things.

    It's only fair that I be given a chance to think about it first.



  • snowbird

    Good morning, all.

    ShirleyW, Joshua 10:13 and 2 Samuel 1:18 reference the Book of Jasher, so I believe it's OK to quote from it.

    Black Sheep, your take on the cursing of the fig tree by Jesus of Nazareth is what inspired this thread.

    Smiddy, I give a fig.

    AGuest, impressive! Perhaps one day I will be favored with an understanding similar to that of yours.

    FARKEL! On the cutting edge, as is your wont.

    Thanks to all who participated.


  • james_woods


  • snowbird



    Could have been.


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