Watch 1974 p.167 "By disobediently overindulging in food and making a glutton of himself, he fails to show love for Jehovah...If in the presence of others does he selfishly ignore there needs and take more than his share? Is he grossly overwieght but shows no restraint at all as to food, habitually gorging himself? Does he feel un-comfortable, perhaps even sick because of eating too much ...glutton has NO PLACE IN GOD'S CONGREGATION...they will not inherit God's Kingdom..."
Watch 78 12/15 p.9 "At a meal the glutton may make it impossible for other diners to eat to satifaction {At Bethel maybe}...the glutton may be despised.....they may SHUN HIM.....he may incurr God's displeasure and lose his life....the kingdom will bring law-defying Gluttons to an end..."