I am trying to imagine what would happen if they noticed a brother defying to raise his hand.
So it appears that the new school was mainly for elders to take notes for the new elder manual and the MS school was the same-old same-old.
by iamwhoiam 37 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
I am trying to imagine what would happen if they noticed a brother defying to raise his hand.
So it appears that the new school was mainly for elders to take notes for the new elder manual and the MS school was the same-old same-old.
Wow. And here I thought the whole notion of keeping awake because the end is near was from some guy named JESUS! And I thought it was faith in JESUS that makes a person a true Christian. That's called blasphemy and idolatry. It dishonors the Son and thus dishonors the Father to elevate men to the status of being worthy of 'putting faith' in them, as if they are the basis for one's beliefs. Unbelievable.
I was at this school and wondered if anyone heard a similar experience:
In the talk "Do All Things For God's Glory," my Circuit Overseer brought up the subject of balanced use of the Interent and social networking sites. When speaking of the danger of social networking sites, he mentioned a party for which invitations were sent out via Facebook to several Witnesses. As word spread, more and more people decided to go to the party and there ended up being a few hundred people there (maybe more...not in my notes). Several of the attendees were not Jehovah's Witnesses, I guess. He said that the party involved "drunkeness, fornication, drug use, and some other wrongdoing," and that "over 100 young people were either disfellowshipped or disciplined in some form or fashion." The problem involved members of "51 congregations from, 4 states, and 14 different Circuits, that we know of."
The problem wasn't the party though. He complained that once investigations began, everyone used Facebook to contact their friends who had been there, and warn them that the Elders knew about the party and were conducting investigations and that they should protect one another by keeping silent. Therefore, the entire investigationn was derailed, and the situation could never be "handled" properly by the Elders.
This seemed EXTREMELY far fetched to me, and I wondered if any other "conscious, active" Ministerial Servants or Elders on this board had heard something similar at their school.
don't place literature,
I heard the same experience in the Elder School.
I'm not sure if that makes it true...or if there was something printed in the outline for the part that fabricated this story...
Therefore, the entire investigationn was derailed, and the situation could never be "handled" properly by the Elders.
wow,,these JW kids are getting smarter, able to derail a 'huge' investigation by elders (by their own admission), obviously, losing their control. No wonder the kids are leaving like crazy,,they obviously have no respect (and rightfully) for the elders. The elders should be wary of the 'silence' of their youth. This comment sounds like they (elders) are scared. Is there a 'calm' before the storm?' Silence still can be brewing!
I'd bet that it was true. I have seen something like it on a small scale. The kids these days commuicate in a whole different way. Like Gayle said there is a deep lack of respect for the elders. It has got to be frustrating for the local elders, co's and Branch when they have a judicial case and suddenly everyones story is exactly the same! No wonder they hate the Book face.
the party involved "drunkeness, fornication, drug use, and some other wrongdoing," and that "over 100 young people were either disfellowshipped or disciplined in some form or fashion." The problem involved members of "51 congregations from, 4 states, and 14 different Circuits, that we know of."
Damn. I missed out on a hell of a party...
He complained that once investigations began, everyone used Facebook to contact their friends who had been there, and warn them that the Elders knew about the party and were conducting investigations and that they should protect one another by keeping silent.
Behold! The power of Facebook!
Exactly why the WTS hates it and any other modern device that connects people and shares ideas and thoughts. To keep dubs fooled you have to keep them isolated. Facebook does the opposite. Even if trapped at home on a cold, snowy weekend, all you have to do is logon and whamo... hundreds of 'friends' at your fingertips. Add chat and private messaging and the elimination of isolation is complete.
Just as the Internet was the devil's tool when it became big, now the social networking devices are the devil's tool.
It's a losing battle though. "The more you tighten your grip, WTS, the more star systems will slip through your fingers"
Everybody raise your hand if you know frosty is a dark Lord of the Sith!
Of course we know this because frosty keeps saying he is a Sith Lord
If the faithful and discreet slave, alias the GB, says that frosty is a Sith Lord, then all jw will follow.
Hail to frosty.