Today is my B-day and here is my brief story

by STRUGGLE 18 Replies latest jw experiences

  • bigfloppydog

    Your experience is the same as many others, I have heard so many people comment in the past about how they went to elders for help, and low and behold, a first meeting with them, and then after that a big NOTHING. It doesn't surprise me in the least. Yes they are suppose to be loving,and caring, but sometimes that doesn't seem to be the case. And all to often, when you make a mistake or screw up, who are the first ones at your door, they are, ready to deal with you and possibly df you. I've seen this happen many times. I went to elders once for help, because I felt burdened with problems I was having, I had one meeting with an elder, he commented to me that he was concerned about my spiritual well being, but after that I heard nothing more. Being in a weakened state, I was looking for anyone to help me, or I would not have gone to him in the first place if I thought I could handle the situation on my own. I guess they just get so rapped-up with too many other things I don't know, but for me it was down hill from there. I am glad I am no part of that now, for I left. Sometimes I get the impression that all some of them want is to know all the dirty details about others personal lives, then people get judged by that. WHERE HAS THEIR LOVE AND CONCERN GONE?????

  • TR

    Happy birthday, Struggle, and welcome!


    "Those who would give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."
    --Benjamin Franklin, 1759

  • Angharad

    Welcome Struggle, hope you had a nice birthday

  • JanH


    Welcome to the board and a happy birthday to you!

    - Jan
    The believer is happy. The doubter is wise.

  • Abaddon

    Happy Brithday in a pagan, dancing people kind of way.

    For the next six months read a book each week. Some science, some literature, some history, some religion.

    That way, whatever you decide, you will be able to defend.

    JW's not only make sure you don;t have any non-JW friends to turn to, they make sure you don't have any non-JW thoughts to turn to.

    If their thoughts are right, then they will remain; the truth need not hide from lies. If their thought are not right, then you will have information with which to re-make what you believe, rather than jumping at the first thing that offers you what you miss.

    People living in glass paradigms shouldn't throw stones...

  • slipnslidemaster


    and Happy Birthday to you as well.

    I'm so glad to have read your story. It always makes me shake my head when I read these, mostly because they are all the same. I'm glad you found us because you will see that your story is the same and that you are not alone here.

    Slipnslidemaster:"The problem with Ireland is that it’s a country full of genius, but with absolutely no talent."
    - Hugh Leonard

  • gem


    Your story is similar to mine.

    I was brought up JW, and my parents became a little disillusioned with the people in the congregation. They gradually stopped attending meetings.

    The Book Study was at our house, so will still attended that. NO ONE at this weekly Book Study said ANYTHING about us missing meetings. My parents then told the elder in charge that we would not be handing in Field Service reports. He accepted it without question! After a couple of months of this, my parents then said they didn't want the Book Study at our house anymore.

    So...we now had no contact with the Witnesses. We didn't mean to leave, we just wanted some encouragement and concern. Almost 6 years later, we're still waiting. NO ONE contacted us - if we met a JW in the street, they shunned us!

    And 6 months after "leaving", someone had the cheek to offer us the magazines, and set up a "magazine route"!! (My parents are still taking the mags - they are too polite to say No! I don't live at home any more, but I'm looking foward to meeting this JW. I'd have a few things to say!)

    Does anyone else have this experience - just drifting out of the org, without even meaning to leave?

  • Carmel

    No Gem!

    When I walked it was after three years of holding my comments to myself and aching for the day I could get away from the hypocracy. I guess most everything I do in life is a function of what I intend and no by serendipity with the exception of getting back into religion which I thought could never happen.

    Hope your life "ouside" is rewarding. Your family sound like wonderful people.




    To Gem:
    Thanks. Yes it seems to me they wait for you to get into trouble. Then we you stop attending, they mark you as a bad associate. So very sad. I am sorry you and your family went through. It is sad you did not get the help you needed.

    To: Slip.:
    Thank you. I actually found this post two years ago. Just was working alot. I agree the stories are similar.

    To: Abaddon
    You are right. They do not want you to have any JW friends as well as Non-JW. We were created with the need for companionship. I mean if we can't talk to our so call brothers and sisters what is life. Non-JW.

    To: Bigfloppydog and the others
    Yes the stories do follow a common thread. When you are weak you need help. I see the truth now. Were they really ever my friend? Makes one think how easily you can be toss aside.

    Hope you all had a good day.

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