On this site I saw the index of the new flock book posted and there appears to be a whole chapter on "Adulterous Marriages." I wonder what it has to say about this...Peace
Lying about divorce reason to be allowed to re-marry
by Big Softie 41 Replies latest jw experiences
On principle I agree that she has no right to ask you to lie to her church but all things being what they are, I would probably do it. I knew a woman whose husband just up and left leaving her without providing what she deeply believed she needed to fall in love and remarry, proof of adultery. She waited 19 years and then discovered he had died. She did eventually find a decent fellow and remarry but her suffering for 19 years was real and the result of the ass having bailed without even having the decency to respect her beliefs enough to give her release. So if you detect a sincerity in her beliefs otherwise, I'd do the compassionate thing. Her willingness to lie to the Elders doesn't negate her convictions about the religion being the "truth". It may just reflect her humanity.
If you are not married anymore, it is not adultery. I realize that the JW's have their hoops members need to jump through to be scripturally (aka elder approved) free to get married again. But those are not YOUR rules. Second, is your ex wanting to marry a man? You imply she had some kind of relationship with a woman?
Does she just want to date again? Do you think you will date now that you are divorced? Be prepared to get stalked if she is hell bent to get "free."
Personally it is no one elses business what I do with my love life, so they can go fly a kite. Why bend to her?
Big Softie - Please do not lie for your lowlife estranged wife. She is not worth it. I am so sorry for what she is putting you through. There will be nothing stopping her from marrying again in the future, but, of course, it is doubtful that a JW will want her if she is not scripturally free to remarry, so you are doing them a favour LOL. Why make life easy for her? - she hasn't made life easy for you! And you are right! - Him upstairs must be disgusted at this shady request she has made of you. Have nothing to do with her, as she only wants to make you look bad, while she can get lots of sympathy for being cheated on NOT.
Meet with the elders and tell them she asked you to lie to them and that you won't lie because you are above the "So called morals of the Truth". If you remarry later, then she can marry that brother she currently has her eye on, otherwise, don't allow her to do it.
Since reconnecting with a few JW's on facebook I am shocked to hear how many divorces in the JW's there are now..it was almost unheard of back in the 50's and 60's.
I have told my story about my divorce, but did not reveal this. After we
where divorce after A year, we tried getting back togather... It did not
work. She told me the only way it will work if I became A JW again.
She pursued me, after A year( after the divorce) she showed up at my job
and wanted to talk. So we begain dating again( we were married for 16yrs.)
Well as I said it did not work. Once she found out I was not returning to
the borg. She went to the elders and told them she had committed
adultry with me, can you imagine, we were married for 16yrs. and four
kids. So it came out I took advantage of her. So last then A year she
was married to A JW.
Don't be jerk. Write a fake letter to her, and make sure it is postmarked, saying you've moved in with somone else. What do you care if some toilet cleaners think you did the nasty. Move on and let her move on too. Think of religion as a psychological disorder. I don't begrudge my guests who come to dinner and want to say a prayer, if it lubricates their lives, so be it. When my wife and I separated, I planned to let a few months pass and send such a letter. I couldn't stand the idea of her being forced to live alone by an oppressive religion. Altho at the time I was sure we could never live happily together anymore, I didn't want her to be unhappy and lonely.
As luck would have it she opened up to me her own doubts and we have been together since.
:At a court hearing recently my estranged wife, who left me (I'm not JW) asked me if I would be prepared to lie to her elders and state that I had committed adultery (I didn't) so that she would be allowed to "get on in her faith".
Don't you see the insanity of this comment of hers. If "getting on in her faith" involves inducing someone else to lie for her, then what kind of bullshit faith is that?
It's a faith based upon lies, that's what.
Black Sheep
If you tell the lie, she is still not 'scripturally free' to marry.
All she achieves is decieving her Elders into not DFing her when she commits adultery with her new husband.
She is the one that has chosen to follow the religion and abide by its rules. She has to man up and bear the consequences.
If she wants to marry, she can..... she can just go right ahead.....get DFd.... sit in the back row for however many months her church Elders prescribe.... and keep her fingers crossed that Jehovah doesn't drag his butt out of the privy and kill her before her re-instatement.
Her not getting married has nothing to do with you. It's her choice.